Android :: Cancel Dialog After 3 Seconds / Keeps Crashing My App After Multiple Uses

Aug 21, 2010

I have an extended dialog class that I want to show for 3 seconds then disappear.This works great the first 2 times it's called, but then it crashes my app after that.Admittedly, I'm not the best with threads and I think that's where my problem might be.As you can see from the code below (commented out section), I tried using a cancel event to kill the thread that is spawned, but that makes it crash the first time it's run. I've also tried doing all of this on the parent class' UI thread which yields the same result as this (crashes after 3 times displaying the dialog).

Android :: cancel dialog after 3 seconds / keeps crashing my app after multiple uses

Android :: Display A Simple Yes/no Or Ok/cancel Dialog

Feb 23, 2009

How do I display a simple yes/no or ok/cancel dialog with a title and react to the user choice?

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Android : Cancel A Dialog By Clicking On It - No Buttons?

Apr 8, 2010

I create my dialog like this code...

The suer can now cancel the notification popup message by clicking outside the box. But how do I allow the user to cancel the dialog by touching on the dialog?

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Android :: Custom Dialog Crashing

Nov 23, 2009

I have written below code for showing a custom dialog


It is unable to find ViewGroup in above code and is crashing. I have another main.xml file which is set to content layout in this activity. So how can I correct this thing ?

Also I need to add some validation here to this dialog like info cannot be empty !

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Android :: Apps Crashing On Open File Dialog

Mar 26, 2010

I've been using a droid eris for a couple of months now and have loved the experience so far. Unfortunately, the honeymoon is over and I've been trying to do some productive things with it (outside of playing Robo Defense that is =p).I've been having problems opening different types of documents. My two biggest problems are with Quickoffice and PDF Viewer.When I launch Quickoffice, I get the "Open file" window which takes a few seconds to load and a few files begin to populate in the list. After just a couple of seconds, I get a force close message stating: Sorry! The application Quickoffice (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" This same thing happens with the PDF Viewer as well.However, I can use a file manager like Linda Manager to browse to a specific file and then open it within the program just fine. I honestly don't know where to start

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Android :: Dialog Dismiss / Cancel Handling (Android)

Nov 19, 2009

I never look forward to handling Android dialogs, maybe someone can point me to a better way of doing it than i'm doing right now. Say I have a dialog which has one text field in it, and OK and Cancel buttons. i make the dialog with AlertDialog.Builder, and set click listeners on the buttons and dismiss listener on the dialog. When the dismiss listener fires, can I tell which button caused the dismiss?

I don't see how, so in the click listener, I set a member flag according to which button was clicked. Then in the dismiss listener, I then check the flag to see whether to proceed or not. Arather backward process. Am I missing something? The other issue I have with Android's dialogs is that if the contents fail validation and the dialog needs to be re-presented, I have to re-show it in the dismiss listener. In every other environment known to man, dialogs are (somewhat) modal, so the dialog stays up unless expressly dismissed by code. IMHO, the latter makes more sense.

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General :: Galaxy S4 Won't Turn On - Keeps Buzzing Every 2 Seconds Have Tried Multiple Chargers

Dec 2, 2013

I woke up today to my phone being off, I tried turning it on, and it said low battery - I was able to use it for 10 seconds and then it died. So I tried charging it. It has been "charging" for two hours and now refuses to turn on. But now it constantly buzzes every two seconds. I have 3 chargers, so in case the one I was using was broken, I tried the others, same thing. What is going on?

Now before you say that THIS IS THE REASON! My phone was on the sofa and fell into my dog's water bowl, the second it fell I took it out and checked everything. The inside didn't even have a single drop in it. And the little cotton indicator hasn't changed colour. I have small hopes that this can be repaired.

I am just PRAYING that this isn't because of the water. I am always careful and handle my phones well. But the rare times they slip, they fall in the smallest spaces with water in them. Example, my past phone was tipped from the nightstand and fell perfectly into a cup of water that was on the floor, that was JUST big enough to fit the phone. Same thing with the water bowl, out of ALL the spaces my phone could fall on the floor, it falls right into a tiny space of water...

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Jelly Bean :: Multiple Apps Crashing Since Last Restart

Nov 30, 2013

today my phone's battery died and when I turned it on lots of apps (not all of them) started crashing. Market apps like papa pear saga (haha), songpop and several more are crashing. Also non market apps are crashing like my file manager which was already pre-installed on my phone. Also, when I checked my app settings, my phone showed that I have 32 TB left! I only have 4 GB in my internal storage. all of my apps are fully updated, my OS is up to date, I tried restarting the phone, nothing worked, I also cleared the cache of all apps. My phone is LG Optimus L9 running Jellybean.

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Android :: Multiple Choice In Alert Dialog

Feb 22, 2010

I have an alert dialog with setMultipleChoiceItems, dialog is created and shown correctly but when I try to uncheck any of the selected items, the item stays checked. Here is the snippet of the code:.................

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Android :: Can't Use Multiple Select At One Dialog - Show Two At Same Time?

Sep 14, 2010

How to show two dialog at the same time? i don't to use Multiple Select at one dialog.

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Android :: Multiple Choice Dialog Won't Alter Array When Clicked

May 11, 2010

I have a multiplechoice dialog on my activity. I have a boolean array to keep track of which items are selected from the dialog. So I want each time an item is clicked to make the corresponding place on my array true. The array is being created in the onCreateDialog before the return.

public Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
boolean[] usernamechecked=new boolean[userlistlocal.length/3];
return new AlertDialog.Builder(Newevent.this)
.setTitle("Add People")..........

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Android :: Prevent Dialog Closed / Remain Dialog When Button Is Clicked

Apr 12, 2010

I have a dialog with edittext for input. when i click yes button on dialog, it will validate the input and then close dialog. However, if the input is wrong, i want to remain in the same dialog. every time no matter what input it is, the dialog always automatically close when i click button. How can i disable this. By the way, i use PositiveButton and NegativeButton for the button on dialog

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Android :: How To Repeat Login Dialog And Progress Dialog?

Jan 25, 2010

I am having a problem about repeating Login dialog (an AlertDialog) and progress dialog, coordinating with http thread. I suppose repetitive Login dialog (if fail, continue) handling should be common and straightforward. I guess my approach must be wrong somewhere. I already spent 2 days on this and am desperate. So please help. User starts the app, the main activity starts.Show a login dialog (generated by the main thread, i.e. from on Create. The main thread then starts a wait_thread, which will wait for http to return data and check the data and decide what to do.After user input username/password and press login, a progress dialog starts.The progress dialog starts an http_thread to talk to the server and get replies. Once done, it will notify the waiting thread.If the user type in the right username password first time, the code works fine.But it always fail for 2nd time Login, i.e. When first login fail(wrong username/ password),the wait_thread will generate 2nd Login dialog to let user repeat the login process. But after user hit the login on this 2nd Login dialog, the system always crashes.

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Android :: Custom Dialog By Extends Dialog Or AlertDialog

Dec 29, 2009

I want to make a custom Dialog,because i donot like it"s style,i want get a rounded rectangle rather than rectangle . i know to implement it by theme in Manifest.xml . for example :the code
at activity write:


My question is how to implement this Similar result by extends dialog or alertDialog.

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Android :: ListView Opening Dialog (or Alert Dialog)

Aug 13, 2010

I'm trying to get my list view to open up an alert dialog to display information when a person clicks on a selection. I have been trying several different things on the Google Developers website that have to do with this but have yet to come up with a result. Here is my code. package table.periodic;

import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;...........

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Android :: Creating An Alert Dialog In Dialog

Apr 14, 2010

how to create an Alert dialog in a dialog? is it possible to create? My requirement is to show mulitple dialogs simultaneously. I tried creating with the following code snippet onClick of a Button in the first Dialog and got an "BadToken" exception from WindowManager: "Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application"

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()); builder.setTitle("Test Title"); builder.setOnCancelListener(new Dialog.OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { dismiss(); } });

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Android :: Showing Dialog After Another Dialog Hangs

Sep 2, 2010

I have a really weird problem, which I am unable to debug so far. thing is. my app needs to download something to work. So in the beginning of the onCreate() method, I check if that something is already downloaded. If not, I pop a dialog up asking the user to download it.My dialog is shown and I am clicking, so aManager.install() is called. I am passing the context because that aManager.install() pops up a ProgressDialog to show downloading progress and spawns a new thread in which everything is downloaded. So obviously before creating my dialog I make a Handler to receive the response from that aManager.install(). And the response MAY vary, because for example the internet connection isn't available (Exception raised and catched and listener called with different code).Now, when that happens (Exception) I would like to call another dialog saying "something went wrong, would you like to retry?" so another call to showDialog(DIALOG_REINSTALL) (this time with another code).thing is the showDialog() gets called (I can verify this by logging) but the dialogs doesn't show up. Instead my application JUST HANGS Does someone have a clue why it's doing this? No exception raised, absolutely nothing from logcat, I can't tell WHERE it's hanging...just see that the method is called and the dialog should be displayed.

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Android : How To Cancel A Connection?

Jun 30, 2009

How to cancel a connection?

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Android : How Can I Cancel Old Alarm?

Jul 2, 2010

i am using a unique value (primary ID) to set an alarm. When i want to edit the alarm i am using the same key. But what i see is that both the alarms go off! original as well as edited one. how do i cancel the old alarm ?

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Android :: Replace Facebook Dialog With Custom Dialog In Android

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to run example of facebook android sdk , in that i have run stream example to fetch the
data from facebook. Now hen ever i click on "fconnect" button to log in into facebook i am getting following dialog box. so is it possible to replace this dialog box with following to make it simple ?

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Android :: How To Cancel All Alarm Created By App?

May 30, 2010

I am making an event application and user can set a reminder for events he wants. So i use the alarmManager to create alarms. I would like to put a cancel all option to my main activity so that i could cancel all the alarms created by my application. The usual method for canceling the alarm with the same intent doesnt really help cause i set tha alarms on a different activity than the one I want to cancel them in. So is there a way to cancel all the alarms created by my application?

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Android :: Cancel Alarms / Filtering?

Apr 16, 2010

Code below creates an Alarm, so far everything is working fine. But i am a bit lost in the Documentaion how to cancel an Alarm. I need to cancel only special Alarm(s) depending on Intent#putExtra(IntentConstants.SELECTED_PRIMARY_KEY,_selectedID);

How can i archive this ?


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Android :: Cancel This Repeating Alarm?

Jul 25, 2010

I'm writing something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events, when the time comes, a repeating alarm will be set to trigger a status bar notification. But the alarm seems non-stop after I selected the notification or cleared the notification. I am not sure where to cancel this repeating alarm. Below are some of the codes...

How can I stop the alarm when the user selects the notification or clears it?

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Android :: AsyncTask's Cancel Method - Possible Bug?

Jul 26, 2010

As far as I can tell, AsyncTask's cancel method doesn't work as advertised. I can't tell whether this is a bug, or me not understanding AsyncTask's cancel() method. I'm asking here instead of StackOverflow because I suspect it's a bug.

I understand from past discussions here that cancel() isn't meant to actually kill a thread (though the description of the mayInterruptIfRunning flag sure implies it is). But I'm also checking for isCancelled() (which is returning false), and trying to use the onCancelled callback (which isn't getting called), to no avail.

My situation is that I have a (short-running, one small network call) AsyncTask that begins in my Activity's onCreate. If the user backs out of the screen before it finishes though, I need to either cancel the AsyncTask entirely, or at least make sure its onPostExecute doesn't do any meaningful work.

In my activity's onDestroy handler, I call cancel() on the task, and then inside the task I have an onCancelled handler that sets a boolean. In my onPostExecute handler, I check isCancelled(), and I also check to see whether the boolean has been set from onCancelled, and neither are.

I'm using the debugger, and the order of operations is:

1) onDestroy(), calls task.cancel() 2) task's onPostExecute runs, isCancelled() returns false, so I have no conditional to stop the flow and that's it. onCancelled never runs.

What am I doing wrong here? I can't find any way to tell my task not to run its work in onPostExecute.

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Android :: How To Stop - Cancel CountDownTimer

Jun 29, 2010

I'm extending the CountDownTimer class to obtain some custom functionality .In onTick() in case some conditions are met I call cancel() , expecting that will be the end of it, however the onTick() callback gets call until the the count down is reached . So how to prevent this from happening ?

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Android : How To Cancel An OnItemSelected Upon Startup?

Aug 5, 2009

1) I have a Spinner with several options provided by an ArrayAdapter and have an onItemSelected listener on this Spinner. When selecting an item from the spinner, I want to display another view (list-view) but this method is unintentionally invoked upon initially displaying the view. The list-view is therefore displayed upon startup of the application. It is possible to add a spinner-on-item-select listener that won't fire upon initially displaying the view but only by the user selecting an item?

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Android :: Cancel A Drag Motion On Seekbar

May 27, 2010

I've been reading through the docs, and I cannot figure out how to cancel a "drag" on a Seekbar once the bar has been completed.

For example, when I drag the bar to the end, I want an event to happen. However, if I keep my finger on the screen and drag my finger past the SeekBar, it keeps firing off that event even after I reset the progress of the Seekbar. How can I prevent this action from happening?

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Android :: How To Cancel Loading In WebView On Phone?

Feb 8, 2010

How can I cancel a loading operation in WebView started by loadData() method?

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Android :: AsyncTask.cancel - True - Work

Apr 20, 2010

Cause it doesn't.I have a service running an Asynctask to do some work. I bind to it from an activity and call a cancel method. The service, in turn, calls AsyncTask.cancel(true);

AyncTask.cancel returns true. Nonetheless, the thread is still running happily and still doing the things in doInBackGround, sending notifications along the way.

There is no sign that it attempted to kill the thread. I am not using NDK calls or anything that I think should stop if from taking down the thread. What am I doing wrong? Or is this a known issue?

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Android :: No Cancel Button In Progress Dialogs?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm facing the same head-scratching moment similar to what this person (from Jan 2008) experienced when I realize that there is no cancel button in Android's progress dialog or spinners. It is now July 2009 and I've just installed the cupcake version of Android. Has this thing changed ? If not, are you adding a cancel button into the dialogs and how do you do it ?

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