Android :: Add String To Array And Display Last / Previous
Apr 28, 2010i want to add the current string in a textview view to a string array in arrays.xml.then display the last/previous string of that array in a textview (setText).

i want to add the current string in a textview view to a string array in arrays.xml.then display the last/previous string of that array in a textview (setText).
I just want to read <string-array> resource elements into a String array. I don't want to make a view or anything and mess with adapters - just want to transfer the elements. Is there a built in class for this? Or do I need to treat the resource file as a regular file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm new to android developing but right now I'm working on an application that displays Random Facts. Since I don't want it to be in a random order, I would like to have them in a list. I would like to order through them one by one and show them using TextView.
Resources res = getResources();
myString = res.getStringArray(R.array.FactsArray);
That's what I have so far. If I'm right, that just establishes the array so I can be able to use it later. What I had before was rgenerator which chose a random string from the array and displayed it when I clicked a button.
But Like I said, I would like to just order through them one by one when a button is clicked.
I have preferences where you can enable/disable what items will show up on the menu. There are 17 items. I made a string array in values/arrays.xml with titles for each of these 17 items.
I have preferences.xml which has the layout for my preferences file, and I would like to reference a single item from the string array to use as the title.
In the Android developer reference, I see how I can reference a single string with XML, but now how I can reference a string from an array resource in XML.
I want to get an array of strings reading from arrays.xml file we add in android values/ folder. Could any one kindly give a solution for this. Otherwise I will have to input each these entries in strings.xml and take them to java code using getResources()getString()
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have defined a string array in the resource and access it using:
String arrStrings[] = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.arrayname);
But, how can I get the size of this array?
I have a string-array in my resource file that has a little over 1,000 items in it. When I go to launch the activity that calls an AutoCompleteTextView the app won't load this array it simply backs out of that activity and returns to the previous activity. If I delete a bunch of items in the array it begins to work. How can I make it hold all my items? Is there a max size associated with this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've looked around for how to use an ampersand ( '&' ) in an item for a string-array but can't seem to find it. I feel silly for having to ask for something this simple, but does anyone know how to escape it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have
ArrayList<String> ids = ArrayList<String>();
What would be the cleanest way to make it Parceleable? Apparently String itself is not parcelable, so Parcel.writeList(ids) is not working.I was thinking to either parcelize ArrayList<Uri> or put array contents into a Bundle.
Im trying to make an activity that has a multiple choice dialog after you push a button. In there you select from a list of things. But these things are received from a web method before the dialog appears. So I create a string array after I receive them inside the onCreate to initialise it there with the correct size. But my dialog method then cant get the array because propably its out of its scope.
My code looks like this:
I cant initialise my array when the class starts because I dont know its size yet. This has to do something with the scopes of my variables and I am pretty confused
in arrays.xml
in strings.xml
I would like to reference the string in the array "My item 1" from strings.xml.
I have a string array and was trying to style certain parts of the text with tags like <b>, <i>, ... but it doesn't work.
The array looks like this:
The text is displayed in the textview like this: tTitel.setText(Html.fromHtml(Text[ii]));
I tried it without Html.fromHtml too but this had no effect. The styling tags do work if i use them directly in the code, like: tTitel.setText(Html.fromHtml("blabla<b>blabla</b>");
How to style the text in an array?
Is there a possibility to refer to a string ressource in the arrays.xml?
I have tried: <string-array name="services"> <item>@strings/call</item> </string-array>
which I would normally do in a layout file. But it failed.
I have a pretty simple question, but I am still hammering my brain with finding an elegant solution.
I have a spinner filled with an array defined as xml resource:
<string-array name="distances"> <item>item1</item> <item>item2</item> </string-array>
Whenever I close the application I save the selected string of the spinner in a database. E.g. I save "item1".
On application restart I now want to reload the spinner with the previous selection. Therefore I read "item1" from the db and now have to somehow lookup the position of it and there I am stuck. An additionalproblem is that the array might have changed from the time where the data was saved to the db.
I get a String data from Cursor, but I don't know how to convert it to Array. How can I do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter several hours of searching for the cause of a Out Of Memory Error, I found a wierd problem with Strings. To keep it simple, trimmed it down to something like this:
ArrayList<String> someStringList = new ArrayList<String>(1000);
for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
String someBigString = new String(new char[100000]);
String someSmallString = someBigString.substring(0,1);
Im trying to convert a byte array which is in Base64 format to String as below. Data was not assigned properly to the String. Do I need to pass the encoding type while creating the new String?
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I am trying to import that text file into a String, convert that String to an array, and then load that array into a list adapter. If I try to split up readString or a trimmed result of readString, I get a forced close every time. If I copy the contents of the file into a String and then use that ... everything works as expected. So what is the difference between loading this stuff from a text file, and loading it from an included string? Is it a byte conversion issue? Code...
I have a String Array Resource that has about 1000 drug names
<string-array name="index">
I tried to load this string array into a String[] inside an activity. Using the same syntax provided by Google's java documentation found here.
Resources res = getResources();
String[] drugs = res.getStringArray(R.array.index);
It appears my string-array has too many records and its causing my App to crash (stack-overflow?) When I reduce the string-array resource to about 506 records, the app works again, but adding even 1 more element in the string-array would crash the app. What should I do? I want to code logic to filter and do other things to the list. I do not have a SQL db in the app so I can't do the processing in the DB. Is there a way to iterate through the string-array resource without loading it into a String []? I notice the resource is a pointer. Or is there an alternative data structure or approach that would work?
Here is my Problem :
I want to pass multi dimensional String array between two activities or pages.
I already tried with bundle.putextra like methods. But those allow only one dimensional string array.
I really hope you can help me with example java code on this . Here is my String array, final String[][] arr2={{"1","pavan"},{"2","kumar"}, {"3","kora"}};
I have a program that sends a broadcast Intent that needs an "extra" value.The value is declared as being of type Object[], though I know that the elements are always of type Integer or String.That's part of an API not under my control. What's the most concise and/or efficient way to do the equivalent of the putExtra call below?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have to convert a byte array to string in Android, but my byte array contains negative values. If I convert that string again to byte array, values I am getting are different from original byte array values. What can I do to get proper conversion?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make an android widget like the Google Voice Widget where users can go through an array of Strings which is retreived from the SQLite database. The problem is using global variables in the widget provider. I need to hold the index of the value they are currently on in order to pass it to the intents which are created when the left or right buttons are created. The variable is always returned as zero though.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedIn most tutorials is how to display only one of them, I noticed to display an array, main class should use interface from ListActivity, but when i try display something else (like my edittext box) program crashes.
Somebody suggest me To display an array like that:
ArrayAdapter<String> myAdaptor = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,R.layout.test,myStrings); myListView.setAdapter(myAdaptor);
but this is not doing anything.
Can anyone tell Me what is wrong in this lines or explain me how to solve my problem?
Can please anyone let me know how to display a raw RGB 565 byte array on the screen.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI've made a customAdapter that accepts an ArrayList. The ArrayList contains a title and then a link. code...
I'm wanting to display the title and then have the on click listener to have the link. I'm having trouble however figuring out a way to do this.
I can seems to get it write. What is wrong with my layout? code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn Android, I wrote a number of strings in my string.xml I would like to display on a TextView based on a random number...code...
But I know I am not doing it right because I get the error:
The method array50(int) is undefined for the type MAIN. Any ideas?