Android :: Add Photo From Sd Card To Contact
Oct 29, 2010Trying to add a photo from my sd card to a contact. Did the edit thing and tap the grey icon in top left and nothing?

Trying to add a photo from my sd card to a contact. Did the edit thing and tap the grey icon in top left and nothing?
I saw a previous thread (Changing my contact card picture) where a similar question was never quite resolved. I have the same issue except that my contact card has automatically synced to my facebook and I would prefer to change to a different picture that is not my facebook profile picture. There's no option to do so under people->my contact card and if I go to a picture in my albums it only lets me set the photo for a contact that is not me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyway i can get the photos from my facebook friends to be the photo for there contact photo in my phone book?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAlright, I'm just trying to learn about using Contact information, but I'm a bit stuck. I would like to be able to display a picture for the contact. Using the following code that I have, how would I be able to put the photo for the contact in the ImageView in contact_entry?
ListView contacts_list = (ListView) findViewById(; Code...
I'm having trouble loading a photo for a contact in Android. I've googled for an answer, but so far have come up empty. Does anyone have an example of querying for a Contact, then loading the Photo?
So, given a contactUri which comes from an Activity result called using
startActivityForResult(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI),PICK_CONTACT_REQUEST)
The loadContact(..) works fine. However when I call the getPhoto(...) method, I get a null value for the photo InputStream. It is also confusing because the URI values are different. The contactPhotoUri evaluates to: See the comments inline in the code below. Code...
Is there any way to retrieve the data type of a contact's photo? (e.g. "image/png" or "image/jpeg"). Using the Contacts Provider I can read the photo byte array only. In this case can we get the image type from the image stream?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use the facebook linked photos for my contact list but this doesn't update with any new display pictures the contact may have on facebook - is it possible to auto update these contact's photos, otherwise what's the point of a "link"?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was hoping to include the photo for each contact in a live folder. I am using People.loadContactPhoto() to get a bitmap and am placing it into the content provider's result column for LiveFolders.ICON_BITMAP but I keep getting a NullPointerException. Any ideas? Should I not be doing this?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI've got an imageview which I'm displaying a contacts picture using a uri which always looks similar to this:
How would i be able to detect whether this photo exists, as if it doesn't then i want to use a placeholder instead (stored in my drawable folder). at the moment it just shows a blank image.
My application needs to import some photos from Gallery. Indeed, the application groups several persons. I want to attach a photo picked from Gallery to each person. Do I need to develop a activity like edit Contacts? This involves developing the display of images in a grid. Or can I use a provider or something-like to avoid to develop a Gallery-like with memory leak?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI love the way the Hero's photo album and contact app integrates with Facebook / Flikr. From the album you can go right into you friend's pictures and thumb through them, and from the contacts you can see birthdays, Facebook profile pics, status updates, etc. Is there anything like this available in the market?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm a new Android user coming from years of BlackBerry use. I have the Droid X and was wondering, when using Google Talk, is there a way to enlarge the photo that my friends/Talk contacts use? Also, is there a way to have their selected photos replace the existing photo I have for them in my Contacts?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem and not sure if any one have it too. I took a picture of my wife and set as contact photo. and i put her in my favorites widget, at first it was looking really clear and nice, but after like an hour or two when slide to favorites widget now look fuzzy and blurry. but when i re-edit the picture it comes back clear again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to simply load just the contact photo of all my contacts and display them in a gallery.widget. Do I create a query? I was trying simply just to do People.loadcontactphoto but was getting errors....Any easy way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAndroid:how do i retrieve the contact photo,name,number from the address book and display it using a list view
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to write a short app for getting some info from contacts, the first list screen I have should display the user Image (or an Image from resources if no such image exists) an the user display name. The problem is I don't seem to find a query that will provide me with the display name and a user id And the image URI in the same query. Moreover I'm aware of the fact that if the user has no image and the URI is empty or null i will most likely to get an exception while the adapter calls setViewImage(). Is there a simple way around it or should I override the setViewImage() or bindView() methods?
Also about the query, any chance I can make a single query for contact URI, _ID, contact_id and display name? my current queries: To get the contacts:
private Cursor getContacts() { Uri uri = ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI;
String[] projection = new String[] ContactsContract.Data._ID,ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID,
ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME };
String selection = ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + " = ?";
String[] selectionArgs = {ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE};
String sortOrder = ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC";
return managedQuery(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); }
If I have a contact id and want the image:
int _id = m_cursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);
//try to retrieve the photo, if exists.
Uri photoUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI,
m_cursor.getLong(_id)); InputStream is = ContactsContract.Contacts.openContactPhotoInputStream(m_context.getContentResolver(), photoUri);
Here I get from a cursor with _ID column the id and then creating the uri, I know I can get a row number but I'm not familiar enough with contentProvider to know how to join tables to get it all in one query (if even possible).
I have an old mate who has just got his first mobile phone, it is a Motorola Lazr on "3" PAYG
he has taken a portrait photo, with the phone, of a person on his contact list, he would like to put this photo onto the blank icon next to there phone number !
so we "set photo to", there is two choices, we select contact list, browse to the relevant position in his contact list and every time it says "read only, this cannot be used" ?
Left the Pre for the Evo and so far I really like the new phone. One thing Web OS did was import all my FB contacts, including profile pic, into my contacts. Loved it.
I brought over my contacts from the Pre - the FB profile pics did not migrate.
Is there a way to make this happen on the Evo - with or without a separate app? I'm talking about syncing my contacts with the FB app or something like that.
I read this somewhere..."The FB app can sync Facebook profile photos into your existing contact list."
I have some phone contacts who are linked to their Google and Twitter accounts. The photo of the contact (when I get a call) is set to the one in the Twitter, I am trying to set it to the one used by Google. Is there a way for me to do that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to recover a photo of my dog which although is set as profile photo the original on my sd card is deleted and i would like to recover it before i reset the phone back to factory.
My understanding of this is that the photo is stored in the database of android contacts which is why it doesn't show up in gallery or any other file finding or photo finding apps. I would love to extract it as the dog has passed away and it's one of my favourites of him.
How to extract the photo or if I am wrong regarding the location and remove it?
By default, the Hero displays a green android logo when calling a number (contact or not). Is there a way to change that picture?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have applied my photos to my contacts. My only issue is the image size. I need a full or half screen image, rather then the thumbnail (1x1). Can this be fixed as is, or do I need an app for that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I add a contact photo to my contacts within the Droid X? Im not using Google for syncing and I want to use photos that are on my SD card.Something seems to have changed since the upgrade to 2.2.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just bought this phone. I was playing with the contacts and was wondering: can one select the facebook photo you want for each contact?
I have linked the facebook profile to my contact. I can choose "facebook" for the contact's photo, but I have no control over which photo is displayed.
Can I:
a) select a specific facebook foto?
b) save a specific facebook foto from the contact's facebook pictures and set the saved photo as the contact's picture?
I took a photo directly in contacts but I really like to get hold of that picture as a JPEG. Does anyone know where its stored?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know i can do the process on the phone, by tagging someone from a photo on the smart card.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've attached camera pics, downloads and upload to the SD card. The problem is that when these contacts call/I call them the quality is sometimes awful. Others look perfect. Any idea why?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have several contacts that are linked from multiple sources - for example, I have my wife on FB, twitter, Gmail, etc. Currently the contact photo is pulled from Twitter, but it's an old photo and not updated nearly as much as her FB photo. Is there any way to set it so it defaults to Facebook photo for all contacts, or even a way to just change it for specific contacts of my choosing?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was setting up some photos for the Photo Caller ID function for incoming calls and was rather disappointed at the quality of the image that comes up. I either add an image to the contact in the People app or I go to the gallery and chose to "Set as" a contact icon. The picture pops up and you are given a little square crop/zoom tool to chose the portion of the picture that you want as you icon/photo caller ID. When I stretch the square OUT as big as possible to crop and then set the image with the contact, the caller ID image that comes up is good. However, any cropping/zooming is significantly Degrades/Pixelates the image that is chosen.
I'm not using the FULL 8MB resolution (set to 5MP) for the camera and I know if you crop and zoom any image, the more you zoom the worse the quality of the picture, But the 5MP shots I have should be MORE THAN sufficient to produce a little square of a photo caller ID. I had photo caller ID that popped up on my Palm Centro with photos was cropped to 320 x 320 and saved with LOW resolution and those photos were very clear. Even with the crop and zoom that is required to produce the contact/photo caller ID image, the 5MP photos I am using should be more than sufficient to produce a clear image. Is there a fix/trick for the quality to improve? Here we have this big beautiful screen and you crop a nice-sized 5MP picture for a tiny square caller ID photo and the quality is horrible.
Hows best to update the photo's linked to facebook in contacts? the sync doesnt do this....
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