Android :: Whats Best News Widget?
Jun 10, 2010Looking for a news widget that is 1x4 in size. Will give a good mix of up-to-date news. And hpefully one that you can scroll around in to read other stories.

Looking for a news widget that is 1x4 in size. Will give a good mix of up-to-date news. And hpefully one that you can scroll around in to read other stories.
When i first fired up the wildfire it had the news widget on the homescreen ready to go on BBC news. I liked the fact it automatically refreshed the news every so often. Now it has stopped working via the widget. I have tried removing and reinstalling the news widget but the widget just hangs on the message 'loading news'. I can still refresh the news headlines by going into the app but it seems an unnecessary hassle when it used to do this automatically. Why and how to fix this? The phone settings all lok okay.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anybody figured out how to "delete all" news articles in the sense 2.2 news widget? The articles just keep piling up and the only way I can find to delete them is one at a time, which is very time consuming.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI prefer using Launcher Pro but I lose the HTC News feed widget. Anyone have a good replacement for the News Feed widget or a good ESPN widget?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to add wireless network to my power control and remove bluetooth since i dont use it. how the heck do i do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a scrolling, translucent news widget - similar in style to LauncherPro widgets - with multiple news sources. I haven't been able to find anything yet.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there somewhere in the android market somekind of app that allows me to easily see car news, releases of new cars, prototypes, etc.? Free or Paid, doesn't matter.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI haven't seen this posted yet so here it is. Some of you may have seen the pics for the Google weather/news app/widget for Android 2.1 that was running on the Nexus One. Well some hackers pulled the .apk file off that phone and now have it available for us Droiders. I put it on my phone and it works great. The news app is really cool. You can create custom news topics such as "Android" or "Mobile News".
View 49 Replies View RelatedI've got a screen spare on my Hero and really wanted a full screen news widget that I could just glance at to keep up to date rather than navigating menus. Either that or a scrolling rss ticker if such a thing exists.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had any trouble getting the news and weather widget to work today? Usually I check it when I wake up in the morning, but it just displays 'network error'. I've tried WiFi/3G, uninstalled/reinstalled the apk, and restarted the phone with no luck.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've just switched to launcherpro from sense, and the one thing I miss is the news widget. On sense in had three full page widgets devoted to it, and I need a replacement! Requirements are:
Full page widget
Multiple homescreen support
Simple aesthetics
Customisable news feeds
Was wondering if anyone has noticed a problem with the Google News & Weather widget today? I installed this on my EVO (Genie Widget.apk) because I love its simplicity and elegance, but today it's telling me "Sorry, unable to connect. Please try later" with a "Retry now" button. Just wanted to know if it's only my phone or everyone's? I tried rebooting, also tried stopping and uninstalling/reinstalling but to no avail. If it's happened to other people before and there's a trick to fixing it, that would be great to know too.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for the news widget like on the N1? I could have sworn I read somewhere that it was pre-loaded.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm a bit perplexed as to why it wasn't included on the incredible.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a good multi-source news widget that can be customized to have a clear or opaque background.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a simple yet powerful weather widget for quite sometime. (I don't need goofy weather animations.) The N1 news/weather widget is exactly what I was looking for, and it runs great on the Evo. The included app is also very nice, I like seeing a graph of temp change over time.
Here's a link to an Incredible thread with the apk download.
I am having a issue with the news widget on the motorola droid x to where when i bring up the scroll window and start scrolling through articles, I see one that has a interesting looking title but it is to long to fit the whole title on the bar so i click on it and wait for the webpage to load only to find out it is not what i thought it was about... is there any way to get this widget to show titles in smaller font or can someone suggest another widget to collect rss feeds?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a news widget that is 1x4 in size. Will give a good mix of up-to-date news.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm looking for a good news widget that works good doesnt use to much battery and that had a decent sized widget not just one thats like the size of the power bar bigger then that.
View 11 Replies View Relatedi'm looking for a widget that can tell me all the latest breaking nfl news. all i can find is widgets that show me scores for my favorite teams. i basically want a widget like the engadget widget only with nfl news rather than tech news. anyone know of something similar to this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedive the news feed widget on my homescreen and it just shows the headlines til the other day i just had to press the headline i was interested in and it took me to another page showin headline and saying press for full story. if pressed took you to the bbc site onto that story. now if you press it just does nothing. it flashes green so it knows its been touched but doesnt do anything. ive not changed any settings or anything
View 7 Replies View RelatedI found this apk from another site so If anybody wants a nexus one weather/news widget I attached it here. It works with the Incredible. You just need to put the apk in the sd card, download AndExplorer from the market and install it.
View 36 Replies View RelatedI'm hoping someone might have a suggestion for how to port the News and Weather Widget from stock 2.1 do the Incredible. I had it on my Moto Droid (now the wife's phone), and I really prefer it to the HTC Flip-clock. I like how unobtrusive it is.
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow can I delete news items that I've already read on my Droid X? I have almost 1000 now. Also does anyone know where I can get a flip open case that doesnt require you to remove phone to use it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 3 RSS feeds attached to my news app. I have set the app to update every 2 hours. When I have the news widget up, it does not update at all. I have the click on the little update button. What can I do? I have powered off and on my phone etc. Is this common?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHas anybody managed to get the news widget to auto-update? Twitter is fine just the news widget.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI was running Beast 0.1 and about 2 days ago my News and Weather widget kept saying it couldn't connect and just gave me that Retry Now option. So this morning I upgraded to the newest BB 0.2.1, and its still doing this. I've cleared the data, removed the widget and force stopped it and cleared the data again. Anyone else having this issue? I'd simply remove it but I don't really know where to get it again since its built into roms these days (I don't TiBu it)
View 18 Replies View RelatedI'm sure there's an easy answer to this: I have a lot subscriptions in Google Reader that I'd to access through HTC's news widget; do I really need to export an OPML file from the Reader to my phone - or is it easier than that (I'd have thought so!)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is nothing new, but I just used the Genie Widget from the Nexus One for the first time and I really love it and think that it looks good with the other HTC Sense Widgets.....So in case anyone wants to give it a try or hasnt seen it before here it is.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to make the news/weather genie widget transparent?
View 9 Replies View Related