Android :: Web Page Not Available Error - Javascript Enabled

Feb 6, 2010

HelloWebview code (and other WebView code samples) all result in "web page not available" error. Javascript is enabled. Permissions set for INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE in Manifest.xml. Does not work on either emulator or device (Samsung Moment -- Android 1.5). comes up on both emulator and device. I have looked for s solution for this for several days. I'm a real newbie to Android, and a pretty new user of JAVA but can follow an example / sample.

Android :: Web Page Not Available Error - Javascript Enabled

Android :: Opening Page With Javascript Pop Ups In Webview

Sep 27, 2010

I am very new to both android webkit and javascript. I have a web page with 3 links (say A,B,C). When I open that page on my PC browser(Chrome), and click on the links, A opens in the same browser window whereas B and C pops up a new window. In my application I am loading the original URL in a WebView. I have implemented my WebViewClient and overridden the shouldOverrideUrlLoading. I am getting the call to shouldOverrideUrlLoading whenever I click on A, but not getting it when I click on B or C?

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Android :: Javascript Execution Stops On Scrolling Or Zooming Any Page

Jun 8, 2010

I am about to develop a web application for smart phones. This app uses some JavaScript code. While testing it on Android devices (Hero, Desire) I noticed that all JavaScript timers immediately stop when the page is moved or zoomed. They never continue. Let's say you have a site which displays web camera images with 5 fps. As soon as you move this page (I mean scroll with finger) the web camera image will never be loaded again. So you can't center or zoom the image at all without stopping the stream. This behaviour is 100% reproducible on all Android devices I tested (1.5, 2.1). It does not appear on an iPhone which continues execution after moving stopped fine.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Wireless Tethering Enabled / Unable To Open Page

Nov 9, 2010

I installed the wireless tethering app today and decided to play with it for the heck of it, I was able to set it up, and when I went to my laptop and hit refresh I was able to see the network, I then tried to connect and it would not connect, as it said something about a 13 key ascii so I checked to see and checked the password and still could not connect got the same error message, i then decided to disable the encryption and then refresh the network and tried to connect again, I was able to connect but was not able to open a page up, now i don't know if that was because my reception was not great but still would not open a web page, any suggestions, another note, it rebooted the phone about 3 times and froze the phone once, I am on the AOSP Mod ROM V 0.9.7. I know the Cat mentioned he got his to work, just curious if it was with this Rom or the CM6 one, any input would be great, just want it as a backup incase of in a bind.

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Android :: Anyway To Get Javascript Error / Iphone Mobile Webkit Browser?

Feb 26, 2010

I have built a website for mobile webkit browsers, there is an interval update to refresh data. But it turns out that the pooling refresh will stop at some time after run for a while (some minutes or hours, different by each time).I thought there may be something error occurred in my refresh data functions, but it works well in my laptop browser. I also tried to listen window.onerror event, but webkit browser seems do not support that event. What else can I do?And I am also doubting is there any problem with setTimeout and setInterval functions in mobile webkit browser?

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Uncaught Reference Error - JavaScript Function Not Defined?

Aug 9, 2012

I am creating an Android-Phonegap app using Eclipse IDE. I have created an HTML file containbing an image and 2 buttons. I have written the following code inside html file.

<HTML lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8"/>[code]....

When I run my app on Android emulator and click the buttons, I get Uncaught reference error in file. the say, "zoom and zoomOut" is undefined.t does not produce any of the dialog boxes.

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Android :: Settings - Secure.ADB ENABLED - USB MASS STORAGE - ENABLED

Nov 20, 2009

I wanna set the ADB_ENABLED and USB_MASS_STORAGE_ENABLED option automatically in my App.

so i add below statement in my App(Activity).

---------------------- Settings.Secure.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ADB_ENABLED, 0);


Settings.Secure.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ADB_ENABLED, 1); ----------------------

and add below statement in my App(manifest).

---------------------- .... </application> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" /> .... ----------------------

but some exception are occured in runtime like below.

---------------------- Uncaught hander: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception. java.lang.SecurityException: Permission denial: writing to secure settings requires android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS ... ----------------------


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Android :: Error Message The Page Contains Too Many Server Redirects

Jan 27, 2010

I have a website that I want my android visitors to see. It is created in Joomla 1.5. The problem is that sometimes I get the message "The page contains too many server redirects" on my G1. Does anyone know what this means or how I can fix the problem?

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HTC Hero :: Cannot Find Page In The Browser Or A Network Error Has Occurred In Market Or Other Apps

Dec 3, 2009

Ever since I've had my HTC Hero, the internet connection has been really flaky. That is, about half the time it works ok, but with a slow start, and the other half it doesn't work at all, and comes up with either a "cannot find page" in the browser, or "a network error has occurred" in Market or other apps.

I bought into the Hero thing because I wanted a mobile internet device and my iPhone wasn't cutting it with the lack of Flash. But at least my iPhone always worked!

The problem I'm having is this:

No matter whether I'm on wifi or not, browsing for a webpage in any of the available browsers (standard, steel, dolphin), has a delay of about 5 seconds, and then either starts loading the page, or comes up with some kind of "page not found" error. This happens with all websites, including the home page of google, which isn't exactly big or unreliable, except on my Hero.

Also, any app that uses an internet connection, such as Market, more often than not comes up with "a network error has occurred". Clicking "retry" rarely works.

Now if it was just through wifi, I would think it might be the setup of the routers that I've tried it on, allthough I've tried it on 3 completely different types of router, all with same symptoms.

I've also done much testing with wifi switched off, and still the same issues.

I could understand it if it just didn't work ever under either wifi or other, but sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

I have done my wifi tests while sitting right next to the routers, with maximum signal reception being indicated.

Ok, so it tells me that "a network error has occurred". Is there some way of finding out exactly what the error was? Was it a timeout, or a DNS error, or what?

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Android :: Running Directly Going To Connection Settings Page / Instead Of My Desired Page

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to use open intents simulator and do all the settings according to the instructions. But when i tried to run a sample program, after running, its directly going to the "connections settings page" in openintents.apk.

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Android :: Cant Go Back To Previous Page From Webview Page

Feb 2, 2009

I am developing simple RSS Reader kind of application.In my applicaion i cant go back from Webview page to previous page.i can go back from all pages except the page where i have used Webview.What could be the reason?why i cant go back?

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Jelly Bean :: Browser Reverts Back To Home Page Or Previous Page

Apr 14, 2014

I have the tronsmart CX-919 mini pc running 4.2 and there is an issue with the browser reverting back to the home page or the previous page. When I try to display a webpage on our intranet it reverts back to the homepage or previous page after about 3 hours. I need it to display constantly. I read somewhere that it was a Download Manager issue and disabling it would work but I can't find where to disable it. Also it was stated that Flash was an issue but i tried uninstalling it and it just reinstalled itself and the problem kept occurring. I just want to display a page in a browser and for it to stay on the screen (full screen) until I manually navigate away from it. I plan to leave it on for weeks at a time.

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HTC Desire :: Paste Copied Text From A Web Page Into A New Window To Open Page?

Apr 12, 2010

how do you paste copied text (ie a URL) from a web page into a new window to open that page?

Also can you restrict internet connection to 3g or 2 g only?

I've just come from n900 so trying to figure out the differences!

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HTC Hero : Way To Make A Page Load / Display Whole Page?

Aug 8, 2009

Is there a way to make a page load and display the whole page to begin with like the iPhone rather than being zoomed in?

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Motorola Droid X :: Tip - Page Up / Page Down In Browser

Sep 2, 2010

I did a quick search and didn't see this tip, but I just accidentally discovered that if you hit the volume key up or down it will scroll the browser page up or down respectively....just thought i would throw that out there in case no one knew..

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HTC EVO 4G :: Set Web Page As Internet Home Page

Jun 15, 2010

Why is it every time I go to the internet, the last page viewed shows? I have my home page set to "Google." Shouldn't Google be the page that shows up? Also, it seems to save the history, even after I delete history, cookies, caches. Why? I was told to try and keep this, as well as deleted email, empty or the phone may become slow.

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Android :: Which Javascript Framework?

Oct 18, 2010

I am going to develop an app runs on both Android and desktop, so UI will be built on html , javascript, css. User experience is very important, I am looking for a javascript UI framework has great UI, animation and response time. A great UI framework but slow (cause user annoying) is not acceptable in my case.There are many javascript frameworks available. Can you guys share the experience of how they behave on Android ?

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Android :: WebView And Javascript

Sep 14, 2009

I have a WebView in my activity opening html file, containing a simple javascript. My problem is that the webview opens the html file, but doesn't execute the javascript. When i open the file from web browser, and not from my app, it executes the javascript correctly. What could be the difference? Are there any different settings for running javascript?

Here is my file:


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Android :: Need Code For Javascript

Sep 27, 2010

Does somebody send me code of using javascript with android and how to use wallpaper in android?

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Android : How To Use JavaScript In Droid?

Nov 18, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript in Android?? if so, how? Please provide some examples.

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Android : Get Return Value From Javascript?

Jul 21, 2010

I want to get a return value from javascript in webkit.

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Android :: How To Communicate From Javascript Back To An App?

May 12, 2010

I'm loading up a webview with some locally generated html and javascript.It makes calls to app methods just fine.But what's the right way to get data from Javascript back to the application? It's simple to have javascript call app methods, but any parameters specified in the call on the javascript side don't survive the trip (I just get null in the app).Gross hacks seem obvious (open a url and encode the data in the url), but that can't be right.You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

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Android :: Detect Javascript Features On 1.5

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to write a code that can run on Android 1.5 and 2.0.1, but I have issues with the javascript engine used on Android 1.5. alert(localStorage); just hang on v1.5 while on v2.0.1 it alerts correctly. is there an unblocking way to do it or to detect the version of Android with javascript?

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Android :: Catch Exception In JavaScript

Apr 8, 2009

My application uses WebView to load javascript which calls into Java class (through webview javascript iterface). Can the JavaScript catch exceptions thrown from Java?

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Android :: JavaScript Problem In Webview

Apr 12, 2010

I have a JavaScript function which returns a value and i want to use that value in my Android program.

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Android :: Webview Javascript Injection

Sep 17, 2010

I'd like to call a JavaScript function out of Java.

Well, the following source code works fine for me (http://

This is not called on the UI thread. Post a runnable to invoke


My problem now is to use a parameter for the JavaScript function.

Let's assume I've got some XML (just like AJAX somehow).

I need to escape it just like the iPhone / Objective-C command stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString does.

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Android :: Better JavaScript Debugging For WebView

Mar 4, 2009

I'm debugging a Javascript+HTML app. All the content is in ./assets.

The app works fine in Firefox, Safari and iPhone (over the web).

But in the WebView, I only get: D/WebCore (626): Console: undefined line: 0 source: undefined

I need to debug this code. Could I either: - enable more debugging in the WebView? though I think this needs to be done in the framework. or: - set up a desktop WebView equivalent where I can run a Javascript debugging tool?

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Android :: Return Value From Javascript In Webview

Jul 21, 2010

I want to get a return value from javascript in android. With Iphone, i can do it, but Android, i can't. I use loadUrl but return void not object.

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Android :: Webview Cannot Handle Javascript

Aug 10, 2010

My android application displays webpages(i used webview for it). .but javascript onthe wepage is not running in a webview .If i visit the same webpage through the Browser,javascript is running . How to run javascript in an application(using a webview)?

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Android :: Evaluate Javascript Value On WebView

Nov 10, 2010

I open a webview page that page have:


These javascript
When I press a button on the webview I have to read the "iPhoneStatus" value and close the webview screen and decide the result.

I wrote these codes in my .java class


But it never go in the onJsAlert method, is there any way to evaluate the value of GetStatus()

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