Android :: Use One Object In Multiple Activities Within My App?

May 25, 2010

I need to be able to use one object in multiple activities within my app, and it needs to be the SAME object. What is the best way to do this?

I have tried making the object "public static" so it can be accessed by other activities but for some reason this just isn't cutting it. Are there any other ways of doing this?

Android :: Use one object in multiple activities within my app?

Android :: Pros - Cons Of Multiple Activities In An App Vs One Activity - Multiple Views

Aug 16, 2010

Are there design guidelines to help decide if an application with multiple views should be designed with multiple activities or just one activity and control the back button itself.

I've tried both. My most complex applications using one activity per screen. However, now that I'm successfully written an app with just one activity and handling the back button myself, I don't see any compelling reason to use multiple activities. The one activity application is much simpler and more straightforward.

What advantages of multiple activities am I missing?

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Android :: Use Multiple Activities Or Multiple Content Views

Feb 18, 2010

I'm working on an application using xml layouts.

I wish to know which is better:
1. Use few activities and change its contentview
2. Use an activity for each 'view' needed

If both works, in which case which option would be better?

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Android :: Should App's With Multiple Layouts Have Multiple Activities To Handle Each

Jul 1, 2010

I'm planning to develop and app that presents the users with several different screens (of different information).
Was wondering what would be the best way to implement this?

Is it better to have separate XML layouts and an activity to display and allow the user to interact with each screen of data?

OR would handling all of these in the same activity be more efficient (and dynamically load / unload each layout)?

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Android :: Sharing An Object Between Activities

Nov 24, 2010

I have a Weather app with four Activities. The main/launcher activity is 'invisible' using...


Aand is simply used to do a few checks (whether this is a new install, whether a network connection is available etc) before firing off one of the other Activities. The other Activities are UI-oriented - two simply display weather data pulled from a website and the third to provide a location 'picker' so the user can choose which area to show the weather for.

However, all four activities make use of a WeatherHelper object which basically does everything from checking for available SD card storage to maintaining preferences and pulling/formatting website pages.

So, my question(s)...what is the best way to have one instance of WeatherHelper which can be used by multiple activities and where/how are best to create it in my case?

I've been an OO programmer for a lot of years but I'm very new to Android and the design concepts - I've read a lot on the Android Developers site over the past weeks but I've stalled trying to decide on this.

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Android :: Pass Unparcelable Object Between Activities

Nov 17, 2010

I have an Object that I need to be able to pass between Activites. It implements Parcelable and I've written all the code related to that. The problem is that one of the properties of the Object is a Drawable - and really needs to be. Unfortunately, Drawable is neither Parcelable or Serializable. I don't understand how to pass it. The reason for having the Drawable is that I need to cache an Image that I've downloaded from the internet at runtime. I don't want to cache the images on the filesystem, since this would potentially end up using up a lot of space over time. I'm putting the image into a Drawable so that I can easily put it into an ImageView.

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Android :: Service Object Availability Between Activities

Apr 3, 2010

I currently have a service called ConnectionService. It instantiates a Connection object that gives me access to a controller of TCP.

I start the service from a splash screen activity, which sends and intent and starts my "main" activity once a connection has been established. In the "main" activity, I can access my Connection object and communicate with the controller. However, when I start a new activity from the "main" activity and bind to the service, I get a NullPointerException when I try to call methods in the ConnectionService.

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Android :: Sharing Stream Object Between Activities Of Tab View

Sep 15, 2010

I want to share streams of a socket connection between the activities of a tab view. In particular the tab activity creates the socket and gets the i/o streams,so i want that tabbed activities use these streams to retrieve informations without reconnect to the server each time i switch from a tab to another. I know i can use the application class to have a global state, but i don't know how.

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Android :: Safely Pass Object References To New Activities?

Dec 8, 2009

I'm working on an application that requires non-serializable objects to be passed between Activities. The following page suggests using a HashMap of WeakReferences to accomplish this:

Is this solution safe? I know Activities are completely destroyed and recreated when the screen orientation changes. Couldn't those weakly referenced objects get GCed in the split second when the screen is rotated, since they wouldn't be referenced elsewhere at that point?

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Android :: Creating An Object - Multiple Of Same Instance

Oct 19, 2010

I created an Matrix object (like the math Matrix, a 4x4 block of numbers for instance) and it works fine, can set row,col,variable just fine, but, I cant have more than one of the same object, I have it creating an ArrayList of a dozen Matrix objects, each with the three variables, but when I call changeVar(Matrix x,int variable) and refresh the printout of the matrix, it changes all of the numbers to what i changed the variable to. So it looks like its just creating the same instance over and over, and if you change one, it changes them all, am i missing anything obvious?


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Android :: App With Multiple Activities

Feb 8, 2010

I have a very simple game that consists of only one activity, and I want to add a title screen.If the title screen is another activity, what changes do I need to make to my manifest file to make the title screen open first?The gameplay activity is called Leeder, and the title screen activity is called LeederTitleScreen.

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Android :: Activities And Multiple Views

Aug 3, 2010

I start a browser and from the browser,I start a video which occupies only a small part of the screen,say the bottom right corner.

Now the browser will be pushed to the 2nd position in the window order and Video will come to the first position. Is it possible that browser can have the control for active window and receive the key events though the video is the Top Most window.

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Android :: Run Multiple Activities Simultaneously

Aug 30, 2010

I have buil a file explorer just like a reads the whole storage and system for files and directories now.i am working with start menu.i have built it in an other activity i wan to make them active at the same time?

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Android :: Thread In Multiple Activities

Aug 23, 2009

I have started a thread from one Activity and then i have started another activit from parent Activity . Now my Parrent Activity is in pause state . but what will happen to thread that I have started from parrent . I belive it will continue........not going in sleep state........

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Android :: Multiple Activities In Application

Mar 17, 2010

I seem to be missing something obvious here, why would I want more than one activity per application in Android? Does somebody have some solid examples?

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Android :: How To Use Multiple Map Activities / Views?

Jul 31, 2010

My situation is the following: I have written one MapActivity class that is able to display a set of places as well as single places. On startup, the application creates an instance of this MapActivity and displays multiple places. If the user clicks on a certain place, then a new Activity is launched that shows the details of the selected place. This activity has a menu item that allows the user to view the place on a map - this causes that a new instance of the MapActivity is created, except that now only this single place is displayed.

The problem now is that if the user navigates back to the first MapActivity (the one that shows multiple places) the tiles won't be loaded anymore + sometimes OutOfMemoryErrors are encountered. According to the Android JavaDocs, it is only possible to have one MapActivity per process. However, I don't want to define my MapActivity as a singleInstance/singleTask, since the user should always be able to navigate back to the first MapActivity that shows multiple places. I have seen that the Google Places app (which has come with Google Map 4.4) for Android uses multiple MapActivity instances. How is this possible?

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Android :: Multiple OpenGL Activities

Mar 18, 2010

I'm having a problem when I create a Sub-Activity to my main activity. Both activities have their own GLSurfaceViews. Nothing on Logcat. Basically It just opens up the new view and it's black and it never renders with the new opengl stuff. I've tried a bunch of stuff, just want to know if there's some special way I need to pause the first opengl activity to get the second to run, or if there's some toggle which I am missing, or if it just can't be done. When I open the second activity with a GLSurface View, the first activity stops drawing frames, but the second one, never initializes or starts to draw.

Main Activity Creation:


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Android :: Timer Across Multiple Activities

Jun 28, 2010

i have an android app with several activities. I need to start a timer when the first activity starts and end the timer when the last activity starts and show the elapsed time. How can i use Asynctask to do this.

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Android :: Running Multiple Activities

Jun 23, 2010

I have developed a simple android application, which when started opens a Timer. User is given two buttons, start/ pause. This is working fine.What i want to do is to add a way to support multiple timers when a user swipes his finger on the screen.When he swipes from left to right, a new timer should show up, but the previous timer should not stop. This is a way to add multiple timers.Also, when he swipes from right to left, i want a previous timer to show.This is what i have done so for. I have a timer activity. I have added a touch event on it. When, a person swipes his finger, i get the co-ordinates and decide whether its from left to right or right to left.This functionality is working fine, as i can see the appropriate log messages.The problem is when I'm trying to load Timer Activity.It just loads the previous Activity and doesn't really create a new one (I figured this from the timer).Is there any way to do it?

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Android :: Multiple Choice Dialogs - Activities

Apr 26, 2010

I have tried to make a series of dialogs, like a questionnaire, that the user needs to answers a series of questions selecting one or more checkboxes. I can do one, just fine, but when I try to make more than one question (lets say 10), it does not show, or show all the dialogs. I tried using dialogs or new acitivities.

So, my problem is I have multiple questions, one to be presented each time, and I need to wait for one to be responded so I can ask the next one. How do I accomplish this?

My first attempt was with a dialog box... but obviously it got all the boxes stacked in each other:


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Android :: Multiple Activities Binding To A Service

Aug 3, 2010

I have a service component (common task for all my apps), which can be invoked by any of the apps. I am trying to access the service object from the all activities, I noticed that the one which created the service [startService(intent)] has the right informaion. But rest does not get the informaion needed.

My Code is as below:


If I invoke startService(intent). it creates a new service and runs in parallel to the other service.

If I don't invoke startService(intent), serviceObj.getData() retuns null value.

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Android :: Service Interacting With Multiple Activities

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to refactor/redesign an Android app. Currently, I've one UI activity (Activity 1) that creates a DataThread. This thread is responsible for network I/O and interacts (provides data) with the UI activity via a handler.

Now, I want to add another activity (a new UI screen with Video) - Activity 2. Activity 1 is still the main activity. Activity 2 will be invoked when the user clicks a button on Activity 1. Activity 2's data also comes from the DataThread.

My idea is to put the logic of my DataThread inside an Android Service (DataService). My question is - can more than on activity bind to my DataService at the same time? Is there a way to tell the service to provide data to a specific activity only?

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Android :: Want Multiple Activities In A Single View

Nov 19, 2010

Were looking into Android for writing a tablet based system. Part of the design is for the system to be as modular as possible. One aspect of this is to display any "STATUS" activities in a side view on the screen. It looks like I can use PackageManager queryIntentActivities() to find the activities that show status information. But, can I display these in a single view all at the same time (via a linear layout)? The activities would be installed in separate apk's (features). Can this be accomplished using ActivityGroup? Is this even allowed in Android? Everything I've read implies that Activities take the whole screen or float on top. This implies only one activity can be active at a time where as the design I'm thinking of uses the activities more like widgets.

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Android :: Displaying Multiple Activities On Same Screen

Mar 25, 2010

is it possible to show two activies on same screen at a time.and each activity is showing data which changes with time.

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Android :: How To Test Phone App Across Multiple Activities?

Nov 18, 2009

We are building a complex Android application consisting of many screens and workflows spread across many Activities. Our workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine, for example, there is an Activity to login in that transitions to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities based on the user's choices. Since we have so many workflows we need to create automated tests that span multiple activities so we can test a workflow from end to end. For example, using the ATM example, we would want to enter a valid PIN, verify that sends us to the main menu, choose withdraw cash, verify that we are on the withdraw cash screen, etc., etc., and eventually find ourselves back on the main menu or "logged" out. We've toyed with the test APIs that come with Android (e.g. ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2) and also with Positron, but neither seem capable of testing beyond the bounds of a single Activity, and while we can find some utility in these tools for some unit testing, they won't meet our needs for testing scenarios that cut across multiple Activities. We are open to an xUnit framework, scripting, GUI recorders/playbacks, etc. and would appreciate any advice.

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Android :: Make Variables And Multiple Activities?

Oct 12, 2010

How can I make a variable or object available to multiple activities or restarts of the same one.

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Android :: Showing Multiple Activities On One Screen

Sep 30, 2010

I have an interesting problem and I was looking for a solution; Hoping that someone here can help me out.(I did read through related questions on this topic but they have solutions which are not relevant to my situation).I have two activities. One is a simple list view to list available audio tracks. Another is a complex audio toolbar with controls to play/pause, ffd, and reviewing the currently playing audio.The audio toolbar uses a wrapper class that wraps the Android MediaPlayer object and this wrapper class is a singleton object. Which means that I eventually wish to use the audio toolbar anywhere in my app and control the singleton instance of my MediaPlayer wrapper.For this reason, I cannot have the audio toolbar and the audio listview in the same activity since I want the toolbar to be a separate entity altogether that pops up whenever the user wants to control the music, without having to see the listview.Now, since the user would pop up the toolbar from anywhere in the app, I would love to know of a way to combine the current activity and the toolbar activity into one screen.I do know that one option available to me is dialogs. I was looking for a more elegant solution where I could have the audio toolbar pop up at the bottom of the screen the user is on, without exiting the activity he is currently doing.Anyone know of a way to do this? I didn't come across anything for this in the docs but if someone does know, even pointing me to the correct docs would be extremely useful.

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Android :: Running Multiple Activities In For Loop One After Other

Oct 1, 2010

I have multiple activities in my android app and one final activity "All" which should run all the activities of my app one after the other. When I kept all my activities in for loop and used startactivity(intent) for each activity in that for loop, at the end I could see not all my activities being ran although all activities are finished. Any clue how to implement this?

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Android :: Keep FTP Connection - Or Any Connection Object - Alive Between Activities

Oct 27, 2010

I'm coding a very basic FTP client on top of my application and I have 2 activities. The first one is the file explorer and the second one is the image viewer. Once I click on the image filename on the explorer, I want to pass the connection to the other activity to handle extra stuff. Basically, I want to keep the same object (which handles the connection) alive in-between the 2 activities. I know I can't pass an object inside an intent so I don't know what my best bets are.

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Android :: Using Same Sqlite Database From Multiple Activities And Services

Apr 27, 2010

I have been trying to find a discussion on the best way to handle a common sqlite database which is shared by multiple Activities (or multiple Activities and Services). This is all in the same application.

It seems that if each Activity has:


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