Android :: Store Object In Sqlite Database From Phone?
Aug 7, 2009
Is it possible to store user defined objects in a SQLite database from Android? For example: I am creating one class and I want to store that class object in the database. Is it possible? If it is, how to proceed? On the Blackberry platform, I am able to store objects directly in persistent objects. Is it possible to do this with SQLite and Android?
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Aug 10, 2009
I need some help to store a Object in an SQLite database using Android.I don't know whether it is possible or not.If it is possible means please give some code snippets to create a table which can store an object.
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Oct 2, 2009
I'm working on an Android application that stores data in a SQLite database. My question is, where does this database file get stored on the filesystem when you're using an emulator?
I have seen that it's stored in /data/data/package_name/databases
But I need to know where on my local machine's hard drive that actually maps to. The database persists on multiple runs of the emulator, even after having shut down the machine, so it can't just reside in RAM...
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Sep 1, 2010
I need to store an retrieve a vector of an unknown number of objects in an android sqlite database. Essentially, the setup is this: I am developing a task management app, where the user can add as many notes as they like to their tasks. My current setup uses one database, with one row per task. This presents a problem when I need to associate multiple notes and their associated information with one task. I can see two approaches: try to store an array of notes or a vector or something as a BLOB in the task's row, or have another notes database in which each row contains a note and it's info, as well the id of the task which the note belongs to. This seems a little easier to implement, as all I would have to do to retrieve the data would be to get a cursor of all notes matching a particular id and then iterate through that to display them to the user. However, it seems a little inefficient to have a whole new database just for notes, and it makes syncing and deleting notes a little more difficult as well. What do you think? Is it worth it to have a separate notes database? Should I use a BLOB or go for the separate database? If a BLOB, are there any good tutorials out there for storing and retrieving objects as BLOBs?
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Aug 22, 2010
I want to have a list of restaurants with information such as addresses and phone numbers in my app. I also want to be able to edit this information after the app is published. What is the standard way for doing this? Would I need to use a SQLite database?
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Oct 30, 2010
I am New to Android. My Requirement is to storing an audio file into database using Android Sqlite. can any one suggest me?
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Nov 18, 2010
I would like an html5 page that runs in Android 2.2 Browser that I can take a picture using the phone's built-in camera and save it to a sqlite database as a blob.
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Nov 16, 2010
How do I store and retrieve a byte array (image data) to and from a SQLite database in Android?
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Dec 16, 2009
I want to know how to store the images in SQLite database in android.and also how to retrieve it. anyone give the samplecode or any URL give me to develop my application.
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Nov 4, 2009
I want to store Images(using insert statement) in sqlite database & retrive that image from database and display that image on android emulator.
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Jun 7, 2010
How can I browse the SQLite database that I am creating in my app on my Android myTouch phone?
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Jun 14, 2010
I want to create a SQLite database in my app, which contains three tables, I will add data into tables and will use them later on.but I like to keep database ,as if when app is first time installed it checks whether the database exist or not, if exists it updates it else if not then creates a new database.further more I am making a DB class to facilitate my app,so I wont be creating an activity for my database creation.if there are possible advices, please share with me
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Jul 2, 2010
I want to create a database using the Android SDK's SQlite tool. What would the file extension have to be? I would think .db or .sqlite3 or .SQlite? How would I import it in my source code (Is there a method I should call?) and where in my source code? I was thinking in the onCreate method of a class that implements SQliteOpenHelper.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have seen other posts similar to this one but none of the solutions listed work for me. When I use the following command: adb pull /data/data/com.mydomain.myappname/databases/MyDatabase.db / home/me the following error results. failed to copy '/data/data/com.mydomain.myappname/databases/ MyDatabase.db' to '/home/me/MyDatabase.db': Permission denied I have no problems with the emulator. I am using a Dev Phone 2.
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Jun 25, 2010
I am currently working on a java program that inserts excel data into android database(sqlite). when i place the TestDB(sqlilte db) into c:drive it works.
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:C:TestDB");
But it won't work on android(emulator) database. The database have been created in android. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite://");
i am guessing that the tcp is wrong. how do i go about fixing it?
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Aug 23, 2010
I'm trying to deploy an application with an existing SQLite database.I've been reading though the examples that are posted but they are always missing some part of the class. I feel like I'm trying to bake muffins but no one told me to use baking powder.Can someone post a full database helper class for depoying an SQLite database on Android? Edit : Delete old code because it doesn't work.
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm currently developing a Field-Service application that stores data in the local sqlite database on an android device. At some point, usually after completing the data collection rounds, the local sqlite db is to be synchronized to a remote sybase db on the server.Any suggestions as to how this could be achieved or engineered as a solution? Or even better, are there alternatives to synchronizing data in such an application?
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Nov 16, 2010
I would like to store an object into a SQLlite database. I am looking for how to best do it in order to ensure that if I need to updata/change this object in the future that users of the new and old object layout will be minimally impacted. In other words I want to ensure that making changes to the object will have minimum affect on clients that do not update their software on the old database format.
I want to also ensure an easy update from the old record style to the new format. I was thinking that I could add an element in the SQL row to identify the object type with a unique name, and to identify the object version number. That way I could read the row and use the object number to control the deserializer to use the correct version of the class.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have created a class with 3 sub classes in Java. The 3 sub classes contain variables to store information from my XML document. I am able to store in the first two for there are only single instances of the data in the XML. The third class contains variables that repeat multiple times. I want to store an object of "third class" objects. I also have a SAX parser class. I am doing this within an Android environment (1.6).
Does this make enough sense without displaying any code?
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Feb 13, 2009
I'm new to Android, I just finished the Notepad Tutorials, where we can create SQLite Databases to save notes. So I wanted to know if it was possible to "import" my own SQLite database (not created with my App but with a 3rd-party software) to my project, and if the answer is yes, where should I save my SQLite databse and how can I have access to it.
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm doing a application that will use a database with serialized object. The objects will be already serialized and the user will just display things. On a PC I would just make an XML but with android I'm not sure. Can I make an XML and "unpack" it when the user launch the application for the first time or should I do something else?
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Mar 5, 2010
I put my database field in "assets" folder. And use the code from this blog to copy the database to "/data/data/my_packname/databases/", (This copy code i run it in the onCreate() method when i run this app) then use select * from ... to get data. But it gives me the exception: no such table. Someone told me that if i am attempting to copy the file in SQLiteOpenHelper's onCreate(), it's too late. So the copy file code can not copy the complete file. So i need to use adb or ddms to pull the database first? So, Anyone can teach me how to use my own databse?
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Aug 21, 2010
I'm designing a custom view which is an X/Y Plot. It's a moving graph that scrolls to the left with time and new Y values are continuously coming in at 10 per second.
I've been able to make it work with an array of integers where the array index is the X value and the integer value is the Y value, but this seems horribly inefficient (Because every time it comes time to re-paint, I have to loop 800+ times to paint the graph). Then we do it all again 10 times a second. yuck.
Can anybody think of a paintable object that I can draw points to and perform some kind of scroll transformation and then just draw the new points each time, rather than the whole canvas?
Any other ideas out there?
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Nov 18, 2009
I have a class like class My data{ String name; int data; Location[] locality.
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May 23, 2009
I am new to android and I have a problem in creating a database.
public class database extends ListActivity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
private final String MY_DATABASE_NAME = "myCoolUserDB.db";
private final String MY_DATABASE_TABLE = "t_Users";
Context c;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
SQLiteDatabase mydb=null;
mydb.openOrCreateDatabase(MY_DATABASE_NAME, null);
} catch(Exception e){}
When I run this code it throws a run time exception.
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Mar 23, 2010
How do I delete the sqlite database exists in my android? There is a db behind my android qro and delete the same
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Aug 2, 2010
public void delete(String id, String name, String phonenumber, String time, String message)
String[] args={id};
getWritableDatabase().delete("texts", "_ID=?", args);
It works fine, and deletes the specified row. However, I also want to implement it so that I can delete the most recent (earliest date) entry in the database, which should be at the top of the table. I know I can do this by altering the last 2 parameters of delete, but I cannot figure out what to change them to.
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Jan 25, 2010
Is possible update the records from SQLite from my Android Application1 from other Application2 Android
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Jul 31, 2009
Is there any UI can connect to SQLite database? I hope that I can read the data without writing there any method can make it happened?
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Jul 22, 2010
Is it really necessary to close an SQLite database that your activity has opened (database is in local memory or on SD card)? I would think it would be good practice, but I noticed that the Android samples such as the Notepad tutorial and SearchableDictionary sample do not do this. I've also seen sample code where the database is consistently opened, read from, and closed, but that would seem to add unnecessary overhead.
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