Android :: Pre-defined Text Styles
Jun 30, 2010Where can I see what typeface, size, color, etc. are used for Android's pre-defined text styles? Like the default text style or textAppearanceMedium, for example?

Where can I see what typeface, size, color, etc. are used for Android's pre-defined text styles? Like the default text style or textAppearanceMedium, for example?
implicit intent with class name as action defined in intentfilter. is not working. Only it it is defined as "android.intent.action." it is picked up ? is it so ?
I have app A with the following in manifest.xml file
In app B, i tried to call the activity in A using below code.
This code works. But not above line.
I've got a text style defined in styles.xml. I'm trying to reference it from a layout. When I reference from the layout, it causes an exception upon inflation. If I use the style from java code, it works fine. Setting the individual styles on the TextView works fine too:
Ever since I added conditional text formatting on my list items I've noticed a performance drop. It's still usable but I'm somewhat obsessive about performance/experience so I would really like to tweak my approach as best I can. The following snippet is how I'm achieving my conditional formatting. Is this the only way? (Perf drop appears to be related to making TextViews spannable)
What I need is i have pre-defined list of 10 people and I need to send text message (sms only not mms) to them from time to time. There is no Chat needed, no MMS, no threading. Only sending sms to a list. I tried GoSMS, Handcet.. but couldnt achieved.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor Style and Thems defination, CSS is considered to be a better standard...(as it has seen many revisions and widely used already in the web areas).. Any reason, why Android using XML approach as opposed to CSS.. Are there any plans of support of CSS too in future..
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to enable different themes in my app. Some elements need "special" variations, like, for example, a headline TextView. Lets say for the example, in theme A, I want the headline yellow on black, in theme B red on white, while the default TextView uses black on white and vice versa.
Now, I can style the default TextView pretty easy by using <item name="android:textViewStyle"> with a different TextView style in each Theme style.
For example:
But how can I do it with the headline? As far as I know, I can use style="..." in the layout XML. But there, I can only use an item style like "headlineForBlack", which would ignore the current theme, while I'd rather need something like "style 'headline' for the current theme".
I have defined some attributes in my view and I can assign them like:
This works. But when I want to do the same thing with styles.xml:
I get "No resource found that matches the given name".
Given a widget and a int that references a style (defined in my res/ values/style.xml), what is the 'correct' way to programmatically apply the style to the widget?
Up until now I've been hacking this by...
How do you get the default value of an Android preference defined in XML?
Context: I don't want to repeat the definition of the default value in both the code and the preferences XML.
Where can I find default styles for my widgets? Let me give you an example. In the Contacts application, when adding a new contact, at the very bottom there are two buttons that have a particular background. I have traced that to here:;... and it would seem that that background is achieved by using style="@android:style/ButtonBar" on a LinearLayout. From what I understand, this is a system-wide theme default for button bars. However, what I am searching for is not a ButtonBar, but similar, so I tried searching for this ButtonBar in the documentation, hoping to find other similar styles I could use. I *thought* I would find it in[url]
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to load new themes/styles from the web to replace the current ones. Is that possible? As far as I can see those resources are read-only.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to make some small changes to the style of the built-in TabWidget (i.e. make the height smaller and change some colors).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm supposed to develop an app which behave like that: The User starts the app and can select between different configurations. Depending on the selection there are different colors, drawables and strings (e.g. urls for webservice-calls) to display. All the code-stuff is the same.
My first intention to do so was themes.... - is it possible to include somehow strings in themes? - what shall I do with styles which are referenced in some layout-xml (which are the same for all configs) and should use different colors. can't define colors or styles multiple times and don't want to change that manually (when user selects by code).
Is it possible to display Css style tags in a text view..? The method Html.fromhtml() converts only html tags to a spanned string but not the Css styles
View 3 Replies View RelatedAn important part of creating an android application is making the gui look right. However where do I find documentation for this. An example of what I am looking for is something like this
what other interesting styles does exist. The eclipse layout xml editor knows about some of the @android:style/'s but not this one. Where is all this documented?
I like Handcent SMS but can't decide on a custom style. can anyone suggest style settings or if you are able to post screens of your Handcent SMS setup. Show me your styles!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm defining a style XML for my android app. I have some TTF files I want to use, how can I set the typeface to use those files as the font as opposed to the generic "sans", "serif" & "monospace".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create an xml selector of styles.
Basically i would do something like that:
In an Android application I am writing, the styling for my various TextView elements is defined in an xml resource. I would like enable the user to change certain styles such as android:typeface using a PreferenceActivity. Is there a way to modify a style resource programmatically such that all associated widgets will update correctly? If not, must I manually select all widgets by id and change their styling?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView that I want to populate with objects whose layout is defined via XML. Is there a way to instantiate a layout at runtime, editing stuff like the Android layout ID, etc., and then load the new layout into the list?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have two apps, one runs in namespace com.gtosoft.voyager and the other is com.gtosoft.dash. From com.gtosoft.dash I would like to start up the service which is defined in com.gtosoft.voyager...
I think I need an intent, but what arg(s) would I pass to the intent before kicking it off with startService()?
If they were in the same package I could just use
Where is the right place to specify general user-defined properties, like a host address or a service mail address ? The properties should be accessible from my activities.
I would like to specify such attributes within the AndroidManifest.xml, but there seems to be no elements available for user-defined properties. So the only way may be to put such properties into a resource file as strings or to hide them into the source code...
I would like to use self defined Environment variables in my source code.
I use System.getenv() to do this and the code line looks like this. Log.d("MyTest","== MyEnv " + System.getenv("AP") + " ANDROID_ASSETS:" + System.getenv("ANDROID_ASSETS"));
Before I execute my code I define my AP variable with export: export AP="12345" and the this is my output of set command
Then I execute my code and I get this line from logcat
D/MyTest( 5363): == MyEnv null ANDROID_ASSETS:/system/app
The value for my defined Environment variable is null. Any suggestions on why it didn't work?
In my android application that is now working fine, I am sending custom SMS from a user to other one.
Once I detect the SMS come from my application, I do my stuff with the message and everything work fine.
But now, I do not want the SMS application to detect this message as it is totally useless for the user.
So what I would like to do:
As soon I receive it, I get the text and avoid the system to get it ( or at least stop the notification for this message)
Any Idea on how to do? code....
Is there a way to change the Alert Dialog style, like background and font color using something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style name="Theme" parent="android:Theme"> </style> <style name="Theme.Dialog"> <item name="android:colorBackground">#FF0000</item> <item name="android:colorForeground">#00FF00</item> </style> </resources>
Do you know if it's possible to apply a theme or a style on a OptionMenu ? I don't find tag in or R.styleable to customize it and apply a theme.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm trying to figure out how to use Styles. It seems easy, but its not working.
First, here is my XML for the Button:
<Button style="@style/Btest" android:id="@+id/Button01" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Some text"></Button>
And here is the values/styles.xml:
Its not working at all. If I dont use Style and just add the style directly in the XML for the Button - no problem.
In the ApiDemos, there is a view example called Gallery1 which declares a custom style in attrs.xml.I want to do the same thing for my widgets, but using a different namespace. However, as soon as I replace the android: namespace with something else,Unable to find attribute? Why does it look for an attribute I am about to declare? Isn't the point of this file to be able to name your own custom attributes?It's interesting to note that it works if you do not supply a custom namespace, but just an attribute name.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android app. development. I need to change the existing style at runtime or can create new styles at runtime and I need to apply it for my buttons and textviews.
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