Android :: Inconsistent Naming For SDK 2.1
Apr 6, 2010I find that the name of google maps api directory in 2.1 platform is wrong google_apis-3-r03 while all others google_apis-4_r02 i.e - prefixed instead of _ used for release.

I find that the name of google maps api directory in 2.1 platform is wrong google_apis-3-r03 while all others google_apis-4_r02 i.e - prefixed instead of _ used for release.
I am about to start developing an Android application and had a question if in Java there self naming. For instance say I had a variable named dog that held the value of scruffy. Could I then create a variable named scruffy from that variable. In PHP it would be $$dog. That would make a variable with the name scruffy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a publicly available document explaining the naming conventions followed in the Android SDK?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do an update to an app that was released under 1.0 about a year ago. When it was released, I used the package naming convention: "". At the time, I thought this was the correct naming convention. In retrospect, this is not the case. The AndroidMarket does not accept new apps with "" package names, so I am assuming the way I did it is frowned upon/disallowed. So my question is two-fold. #1: What is a correct method for selecting package names? I have started using a convention "com.myAppClass.appname". Where "myAppClass" is a arbitrary name that applies to a group of related apps and "appname" is the specific application (e.g. "com.mycategory.appDemo" and "com.mycategory.appFull"). Is this right? #2: What do I do about the app already released as a "" package? My assumption is to recreate it using the above convention. What will the effect be on users who want to upgrade the application through the market or will the market even accept an upgrade version using a different package name?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf you are developing Android application, you will encounter such a id naming in xml files of view and layouts :
<menu xmlns:android="">
<item android:id="@+id/new_game"
android:title="@string/new_game" />
<item android:id="@+id/quit"
android:title="@string/quit" />
and I am really wondering why such naming is applied to ids. It is because of Linux? What kinda meaning this naming --@+id/...--has? When I am looking at android:icon attribute I can interpret that it means ic_new_game is located under drawable folder and @ means "located at" or I just assume that. But naming id attributes are kinda different because they also have + sign. Can somebody help me understand this convention?
I have looking for something and found these inconsistencies in the online documentation
Now when I try to find the 'notifyWithText' api, I could not find it.
Another example is IntentReciever. I just want to know is this class exists? As I found code in this forum itself using IntentReciever, but I cant find this class in the doc.
And why standard intents like action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED are not documented?
I don't see an option for naming a folder that you have created on your desktop. You can do this on blackberry.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere it is stated that :
"Field Names
* Non-public, non-static field names start with m.
* Static field names start with s.
* Other fields start with a lower case letter.
* Public static final fields (constants) are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
also states that : "The rules below are not guidelines or recommendations, but strict rules. You may not disregard the rules we list below except as approved on a need-to-use basis." I don't like the "m" convention before private or package fields in a class... I really find this uninspired. I mean, if we try to apply good designs, the low coupling of the classes implies having few public fields. actually, in my programs I usually have no public fields, even when I need some I use getters and seters. so, why should I be forced to have almost all my fields in the program with an "m" in front of them? wouldn't be easier to have the few public fields, if there are any, with some "g" in front or something? or just use setters and geters as beans suggest? this really makes my code harder to read. also, following these guidelines, local temp variables used in the methods have no restriction so they could easily be mistaken for public global fields (also without restriction). this also I find to be wrong, as it is a probable source of mistakes. I understand to have a way of differentiating from fields, but private/protected member fields are the most used in an application, they shouldn't be less "readable". what do you think? should I follow the guidelines?
I am using a handler inside my service to display notifications at a certain time using the Handler.postDelayed method. My application runs fine on the emulator just as expected satisfying all cases. But when I installed the same on my HTC Wildfire, it simply doesn't happen as anticipated. Notifications are displayed at a random manner after the scheduled time and some notifications even fail. I'm monitoring my service from the Applications > Running Services and still my service is active.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to add ringtones to the media/ringtones folder from my application. If the phone is connected via USB to a computer or mounted on my Mac, the ringtones do not show up in the SD Card, nor in the Ringtone settings.
But if I run the application with the USB unplugged, the ringtones appear ok. This is not a problem with Ringdroid which does the same thing.
I was wondering if there is an app that allows you to name your phone. For example lets say i named my Droid. Optimus Prime And then i could use voice protocol after saying my phone's name For example Optimus Prime please text autobots (contact group), "Autobots Transform and roll out!" After saying its name the phone would automatically know that Autobots is a contact group and that the message i want texted is "Autobots Assemble!" Is there an app like this already? If there isn't it would be a great idea for one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that loading an image into a GLTexture using
Will create a texture with premultiplied alpha. Not a problem, as long as I use glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) to blend instead of glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) which will cause dark borders.
However, I've found that if I render text onto the Bitmap and convert to glTexture using:
The resultant texture is NOT premultiplied, and using glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) will cause ugly over- saturated edges when blended into the 3D world. Blending using glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) makes it look right again.
To confirm this, I saved the bitmap into a PNG file and load it as a resource into a texture, and the resultant texture is premultiplied and renders correctly using glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
Is there a way to force the text rendering onto the bitmap to be pre- multiplied?
I noticed that the imeOptions attribute on TextViews behaves inconsistently across different devices. For instance, setting imeOptions to "normal" has the following effects:
1) On the emulator and G1s running 1.5: The OSK will have a "Done" key and clicking it will simply close the OSK with no further action taken (this is exactly what I need)
2) On my HTC Magic (G2), also running 1.5 (of course): The OSK will have an enter key (showing the enter symbol instead of "Done") and when clicking it, the OSK will close and bring up the context menu of the text view... I mean, seriously. That is the last thing any user or developer would expect it to do.
There seems to be no way to simply close the OSK after entering some text on the G2, *except* when specifying flagNoEnterAction in imeOptions, which on the G2 does what "normal" does on the G1, but on the G1, this will lead to the OSK to not respond at all to the enter key (user has to hit "back" to close the OSK).
This is a complete mess, is there any way to have the OSK behave in a sane manner without resorting to hacks (like checking for device models and setting imeOptions programmatically)? Didn't Google say they cared about backwards compatibility before releasing Cupcake? I have nothing but trouble getting my app to look and behave identical on different Android models.
Got an activity that extends ListActivity. The list is backed up by a custom adapter that extends BaseAdapter. -- getListView().setFocusable(true); getListView().setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); -- I do a simple (getSelectedItemPosition() == == ListView.INVALID_POSITION) check in onPrepareOptionsMenu() to disable the items that require an item to be selected.
Now, what I do after launching the activity (the action takes place under emulator, ver.1.1) an what it looks like: 1) Hit menu - the menu items are disabled - OK 2) Select an item with mouse wheel and hit menu - the items get enabled - OK 3) Click anywhere outside the list, repeat 2). The items don't get enabled - WTF? 4) Start from scratch, select an item hitting Del and moving mouse. The result is the same as for 3).
Why do these (3, 4) things keep happening to me?
It looks like the naming style for android attributes varies between underscore and camel case. Does the variation mean anything, or is it arbitrary? edit: examples would be layout_width and columnWidth.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently added a feature to my app that allows the user to send a report via a message chooser (all have chosen gmail) that helps mitigate the fact that I don't have all the physical phones to test on. Execution worked as expected on my G1 and the emulator, however, to my horror as users began sending them in most of them were incomplete! Pseudo-code of what I am doing is as follows: On my phone and the emulator, all of the packages are inserted into the email. However, most of the emails I get, even from the same exact phone model/carrier/OS version, only contain "Text1". Users that have automatic signature insertions even have that at the bottom, so it's not that the email is being cut off somehow, it's that size is apparently 0. That is the only thing I can think of. Every once and a while I will get a full email though. This frightens me because what other APIs run fine in my testing but not user phones? What's going on here?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAbout two days ago my phone started receiving and making all calls as 'unknown'. I decided to wait to go straight to a T-mobile retail store. But today July 2 at 10 am. none of the apps where working, the browser, text messages, none. the phone became crazy I started to receive error messages on the screen. Finally decided to restart the phone, when it turned on again i received the message" g1 system UIDs inconsistent, you need to wipe your data partition or you device will be unstable." it had the I'm feeling lucky button, when pressed, the phone reset itself, most of my apps where gone, but it did not help or fixed anything. Im desperate I love my G1 phone i bought it the next day of the release, it worked great, got my 1.5 update worked fine, 'till now. the problem is where to go for help. If it is an OS problem is it google's fault or T-mobile? I have a flex pay account when i bought the phone. I bought it full price almost $ 500 so to get a new G1 since i am a student i cant afford it. I feel very sad not being able to use it or fix the problem now all my data is gone all my apps, :( i cant even go on the market app to donwload them because i receive the error message of force close.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running code to return date-based calculations. The method is designed to calculate the number of work days given a beginning and ending date and I pass in the elements of the dates, create two calendar objects from the two dates and compare them.
Tell me if there is a bug causing inconsistent results from
c2.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
or possibly the Calendar.after method ...?
c2.set(ccyy, mm, dd); c4.set(ccyyNew,mmNew, ddNew);
I go back and forth about how to name activity classes.Activity seems to imply a verb, like EditContact, for example.But that seems more like what one would call the Intent that triggers EditContact.Should the activity be named ContactEditor instead?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have played around a bit with the xml files for creating layouts and can't explain the behaviour of layout_weight when using it in a LinearLayout that has orientation="vertical"
When creating a layout that is horizontal everything follows the documentation, that a child would get more space if it's has the highest value.
But the following code for vertical orientation, give more space to the item with lowest weight.
And the question is: Is this a bug or just a feature that maybe need more documentation?
I have been a voyeur on this forum for about a month but tbis is my first post. Is there any way to name a location in Google Maps? I cannot remember all the addresses that show up in the map search. For example, I would like to rename 1400 Pennsylvania Ave. as The President. Can this be done?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a HTC Legend off ebay since it's not available in Australia but I'm having trouble with the wifi on my home network. It works on occasion but fails most of the time. Sometimes it won't connect at all and just says "unsuccessful" whereas other times it might tell me it's trying to obtain an ip address and then not work.
I've got two computers connected to my wifi as well so it's not my actual connection. Is there such thing as devices competing for wifi? because the few times it's worked was when I was changing my computer's wifi but it sometimes doesn't work even with my computer off!
Can anyone tell me how I go about naming my phone and I have been trying. this morning (No work today) to find my Hero on my N95 via Blue tooth but the N95 can not locate the Hero, only 2 LGs that are next door.
View 12 Replies View RelatedTry as I might, I can't find a way to give my Milestone a name on WiFi. My employer are being funny about adding a device that is unnamed, but I can't see where to do it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone help with album covers? I have one album that shows up with its cover in the default music player. I assume that is because it is included in one of the tags information, I added covers to other albums tag info using windows media player and the advanced tagging option (method found in other forum for other lg phone) but the covers still don't show up when I put the albums back on my phone. Does anyone know which tag the music player is reading? There is also a folder (albumthumbs) that showed up on my sd card once I copied the album thats artwork does work to my phone, and in it is a file without an extension (this is obviously the cover for the one working album). Can I add jpgs to that folder or something and how does the album thumb naming convention work?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using LG nexus 4, I would like to change the format of file name of the image taken by my camera, How could I change the settings.Where should I look into.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I plug into my USB car charger, it seems to detect it as a computer, and asks what USB mode I want to use. I can only choose "mass storage", because anything else causes the phone to go into MTP mode & won't go away until I unplug the USB cable. Other times, it just starts charging & doesn't ask for a USB mode. The big issue is that when it does ask for a USB mode, and I set it to Mass Storage, apps like Listen suddenly can't "see" or use the internal SD card & bitches, "No SD card" and stops playing. Can't listen to podcasts in my car? Deal breaker! Why is this so random?
View 6 Replies View RelatedTake a look at the microphone icon on a stock 4.3 Jelly Bean home screen. Open up Google now and the same icon is there. Now take a look at the Play Store. In Play Magazines as well you the mic icon from Ice Cream Sandwich. The Play Store has (somewhat) recently undergone a significant upgrade when Jelly Bean was at a mature age of version 4.2. It will updated again in time for 4.4 KitKat, evolving into line with current Android design guidelines featuring the sliding navigation drawer. Will Google then update the mic icon or will they revert it back to the ICS style in the future?
View 2 Replies View Relatedany Android device I had had never really has had good push notifications. Basically, it is hit or miss, mostly a miss. Various apps I never seem to get notifications, such as the eBay app. Notifications are enabled and it seems like they only work if I am actually in the app, but if it is not open, no notifications. Or same with Words with Friends, it pretty much never sends me a notification and when it does, it could take 30 minutes for it to show up while my iPhone would show up immediately. Even when using the Lumia 920 for a few weeks, the notifications came through with out delay.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen adding a new folder, it simply states: "Folder" Is it possible to give a folder a name? Modify the name of a folder? Re-name the folder? Once items are dragged into folders, can they be taken out? Dragged out? Deleted while in the folder? Seems I have to delete the entire folder and start over.
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