Android : How To Handl Activity Destruction In Multithreaded Droid App?

May 25, 2010

I have a multithreded app where background threads are used to load data over network or from disk/db. Every once in a while user will perform some action e.g. fetch news over network, which will spawn a background AsyncTask, but for some reason user will quit the app (press back button so that activity gets destroyed). In most such scenarios, I make appropriate checks in the background thread after it returns from n/w i/o, so that it won't crash by accessing members of the activity that is destroyed by now. However some corner cases are left where crashes happen, because the background thread would access some member of activity that is now null. Do other Android developers have some generic/recommended framework to handle such scenarios?

Android : How to handl activity destruction in multithreaded droid app?

Android : How Can I Handl Activity Rotating In Droid?

Sep 25, 2010

I need to apply different layouts for portrait and landscape orientations of my activity. Besides, I need to show alert if orientation is portrait. Why onConfigurationChanged is called twice? How can I avoid it?

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Android : Way To Handl An Intent Without Activity UI?

Jun 9, 2009

I've searched for a few hours for a solution to this, so hopefully this isn't a repost I'm setting a shortcut on the Home screen which raises an Intent to my application - the problem is that I don't want to show my app, just run a little code and display a Toast notification. This must be possible - I just can't work out how.. Once I'm handling the shortcut Intent in onCreate() the UI has initialised and I get a little screen flicker if I then run my code and finish().

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Android : Way To Handl Key Events In A Paused Activity?

May 4, 2009

A main task and a secondary task - the secondary task has only one Activity - when that Activity is paused (e.g. Home key pressed), a notification is inserted to the Notification Bar, so that the user can go back to it (such as voice call does) My problem is: I need the paused Activity to receive key events. 1) Is that possible? 2) If so, how? (I have already tried setting "takeKeyEvents(true)", but whenever I press a key, the "Bookmarks" activity comes to the foreground)..

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Android :: How To Stop Activity Destruction?

Dec 7, 2009

I would like to know if there is a way to stop activity destruction upon physical keyboard slide in/out event.

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Android :: Void Activity Destruction (orientation Or During Incoming Phone Call)

Aug 3, 2009

I have a requirement where I have to read/parse some data from the server(using HTTPConnection) and then display it on to the screen. To avoid ANR issue I used AsyncTask to perform the above. Now in order to avoid application crash in case the activity gets destroyed(either by OS or if orientation changes or say on any incoming call-->where user stays on the phone for long and for some reason OS destroys/recreates the activity). Currently, I hols the reference of AsyncTask in my activity and then provide a callback(the activity itself) to AsyncTask so that I can pos back message to activity(like closing progress dialog box).In order to avoid memory leaks on onPause I nullify this activity reference in AsyncTask.Before onPause I save the AsyncTask instance using onSaveInstanceState method but I have to use putSerializable for that. I have read on the forums that serialization method is slow, so my question is should I use parcelable approach(and whether the converting AsyncTask to parcelable will be same as creating any other object parcelable). or both these approaches are totally wrong i.e...............

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Android :: Screen Flip Doesn't Trigger An Orientation Change And Activity Destruction/recreation

Aug 29, 2010

I'm testing an app on a Droid. It's a kind of card matching game. I'd like to keep the cards physically located in the same place on the screen regardless of a screen rotation. For example, I can put my thumb on a card, rotate the phone any way I please and the card stays fixed under my thumb. However, the orientation of the content of the card will change to match the current phone rotation. I handle this by transforming the card grid in onCreate. This works fine for 90 degree rotations, but if I do a fast 180 degree flip from one landscape mode to another the screen simply flips and the Activity is NOT destroyed and recreated.

This seems contrary to the documentation:

"public static final int configChanges Since: API Level 1

Specify one or more configuration changes that the activity will handle itself. If not specified, the activity will be restarted if any of these configuration changes happen in the system. Otherwise, the activity will remain running and its Activity.onConfigurationChanged method called with the new configuration. "

I am NOT specifying any configChanges in my AndroidManifest.xml file, so it seems that the activity SHOULD be destroyed and recreated. Why isn't it? Is there some way I specify that it should be destroy/ recreated?

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Android : Prevent GLSurfaceView Destruction

Mar 5, 2010

I am currently porting a 3D app on Android. This app consists of a 3D view (embedded in a GLSurfaceView) and of menu screens (for settings, search , etc.).

My main activity is the one containing the GLSurfaceView. It's always the root of it's task. The problem is that my GLSurface gets destroyed whenever I launch another activity and all the GL objects (VBOs, textures) that I created in the GL context get deleted/invalidated along. So whenever my users go in the menu, the 3D scene has to be fully reloaded. Wouldn't there be a way to prevent the surface's destruction ?

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Android : Closing Activity Completely / Process Killed By Activity Manager Service

Aug 2, 2010

Whenever the memory needs to be reclaimed, the process is being killed by Activity Manager Service in killPidsForProcess. I have a back button in my activity window on right corner of the title bar.

I want to kill the activity completely on clicking the close button. Can I reuse the same function and will it have any major effect? Please help me out in this.

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Android :: Accessing Battery Info Activity (or Any System General Activity)

Jan 20, 2009

I want to be able to show the Battery Info activity in my app, which shows things such as the exact level, battery health, etc.I'm not sure how I can get it, though a few applications such as Power Manager, Any Cut, etc. show this screen as well. I found in the source code of Settings this intent in a file called testing_settings.xml,But I don't know how to use it. I would guess from the fact that Any Cut has a list of activities, that a list of said activities exists somewhere, and therefore an easy way to access them exists, but I haven't found it.

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Android :: How To Launch External Activity In Current Activity's Process?

Aug 27, 2010

My app is comprised of a set of reusable Activities that other apps can reuse. For various reasons, I would like my Activities to be launched in context of the invoking Activity's process, instead of always being launched in my Activity's process (default behavior on Android). How can I achieve this?

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Android :: How To Clear Activity Stack If Using Same Activity Multiple Times?

Mar 3, 2010

So I have an app with Activity A. The layout on the activity is dynamic genearted. So it's possible that on Activity A a user hits a button that goes to "A" and the new page looks different, then a user clicks another button to go to "A" again. Now I have 2 Activities in the history stack. A, A, and currently on A. Is it possible that if a user clicks a button that the whole Activity stack is cleared in a scenario such as this?

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Android :: Finish Any Previous Activity In Stack From Current Activity?

Apr 27, 2010

How to finish any previous activity in application stack (at any level , I mean not immediate parent) , from current activity like on some particular event I want to invalidate this previous activity?

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Android :: Retain Only One Copy Of An Activity On Stack When Called From Non Activity

Jul 26, 2010

How can I make sure I only retain one copy of an activity on the stack when called from non-activity? When called from an activity I can just add the FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT flag to the Intent, but how can I do this from e.g. a widget or a notification?

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Android :: Force Activity In Landscape Mode Without Activity Restart

Aug 21, 2009

I have a problem to start/create Activity in landscape mode. My Activity need to start in landscape mode and be used in landscape mode by users. So far, I used setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) to force screen orientation of my Activity to landscape mode in onCreate() method.

In addition to this screen mode requirement, my application need to start another background thread in onResume() method, and this thread takes some seconds in order to finish an initialization process, and it is not desirable to to stop/restart this thread's service during the initialization process.

However setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) forces my Activity restart in a very little while (means onCreate->onResume->onPause->onStop are executed twice at the first place). As a result, my background thread be stopped/restarted during the initialization process, and this makes me a mess at this moment.

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Android :: Current Activity Force Closes - Tries To Go To Previous Activity

Nov 5, 2010

The default behavior from my observation is if current activity force closes Android tries to go to previous activity on stack How can I control this behavior? I want force close to close all activities

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Android :: Open Dialogue Activity Without Opening Main Activity Behind It

Jul 19, 2010

Im writing a program that offers a quick reply dialog upon receipt of an SMS.

However, I am getting an unexpected result. When I receieve an SMS, the appropriate dialog activity comes up displaying the correct phone number and message, however there is a second activity behind it that is the 'default' activity in my program (it is what opens when i launch my application)

I do not want this second activity to come up. The quick reply activity should come up by itself over top of whatever the user was doing before.

The 'floating' activity:


The call to the activity inside an onReceive()


The Manifest:


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Android :: Passing Arguments From Loading Activity To Main Activity

May 16, 2010

I'm writing an application that starts with a loading activity. In the loading activity the app requests html from web and parses the html, then it sends the parsing result to the main activity. The main activity has several tabs, and contents of these tabs are based on the result of parsing.For example, the result of parsing is a list of strings ["apple", "banana", "orange"], and I need to pass this list to main activity, so that the main activity can create three tabs named after three fruits.I would like to know if there is any way to pass a list of strings among activities, BTW, is it the common way of do this?

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Android :: Hide And Activity When Activity On Top Redirecting To Home Screen

Mar 3, 2010

example scenario is: from login screen - main screen - then when i clicked a hide button inside the mainscreen, the app will need to go in the home screen, and when im going to click the app again the main screen would be called and not the login screen

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Android :: Disable Activity Slide-in Animation When Launching New Activity?

Feb 18, 2010

have an activity which launches another activity, via a button click. By default, on newer OS versions of android, the OS will animate the new activity sliding in from right to left.Is there a way to disable this animation? I just want the new activity to appear without any sort of animation.

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Android :: Opening Browser Activity / Prevent It From Being In Activity History

Aug 12, 2010

I'm working on an app that launches the browser activity to perform a Twitter OAuth authorization. This process uses a callback url which will re-launch the activity that started the browser activity in the first place.My problem is that the browser pages remain in the history stack and when the user then clicks back from the preferences activity that launched the browser in the first place, they don't go back to the app's main activity, but instead are brought back to the browser. I've tried adding flags to the launching intent to prevent history and reset on clear, but it doesn't seem to work when running on my phone, only on the emulators.

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Android :: Start An Activity And Return Back To Original Activity

Jan 26, 2009

I have an application with contains multiple activities. The main activity will start the others ( use startActivity() ) depends on user event, when an activity close, it calls finish() and return back to main activity. It appears to behavior like that.

However, the "problem" I see is main activity's onCreate function is called every time. I think the the main activity should be placed in the activity stack and simply push to front when others exit, therefore only onResume, onStart are called. Is there some flag I need to set or I misunderstand the activity behaviro?

In child activity, besides calling finish() or startActivity for main activity, what is other way to move main activity to front?

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Android :: Start Activity When Main Activity Is Running In Background

Jan 10, 2010

I created an application which enables the user to set whether he wants to receive notification while the application runs in background mode. If the notifications are enabled an activity should be started (the dialog should appear on the screen).

I tried to enabled it the following way:


This is the method from main activity. When onPause() is executed isRunningInBackground is set true.
When I tried to debug it when the main application was running in the background the line

startActivity(intent) had no effect (the activity didn't appear).

Does anyone know how to midify the logic in order to start an activity from the main activity when the main activity is running in the background (after onPause() is called)?

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Android :: Launching Activity From Status Bar Creates New Activity / Even When One Already Exists

Nov 9, 2010

I have an activity that starts a long-running service which in turn adds an icon to the status bar. When the activity gets invisible, e.g. by pressing the Home button, and the pressing the icon in the status bar a new activity is created instead of showing the already created activity. If you now press the back button the new activity is destroyed and the activity created in the first place gets visible. How do I make the invisible activity brought to front when pressing the icon in the status bar instead of creating a new activity?

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Android :: Starting Second Activity From Main Activity On Button Click

Dec 4, 2009

Need an example of how to create/start a new activity from the main activity. I have a button click event on the main layout. Originally I just used setContentView(R.layout.secondactivity); which brings up the layout but I don't think that is correct since the secondactivity class is not instantiated at this point yet. I have looked for such an example and can not find one.

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Android :: App Widget Configure Activity Opens Main Activity

Jan 10, 2010

I hav an app that is like a relational database. There is a main app activity that users manage things with. There is also a widget that will display important info and add data to the database. When the widget is clicked, a configure class displays a way for the user to edit data. When the configure activity is done, the widget is updated and instead of going back to the home screen, the apps main activity is started. I can't find where the main activity is being called from. Wouldn't I have to create an intent and start Activity() to get this behavior? When done updating, I want the home screen and not my app.

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Android :: How To Clear Activity From Second Activity Going Back To Home Screen?

Mar 3, 2010

example scenario is: from login screen - main screen - then when i clicked a hide button the app will go to home screen, and when im going to click the app again the main screen would be called.

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Android :: How To Close Fore Ground Activity From Active Activity?

Sep 28, 2009

I created an application which is asynchronously communicating with the server. When the application makes a server request a new dialog (activity) with "loading" notification is created. The main activity implements methods for handling server responses and I would like to close the foreground activity when the main activity receives the answer from the server.

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Android :: Orientation Change Crash In Tab Activity With List Activity

Jan 21, 2010

When views with different type have same id and screen orientation changes,

either java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.AbsSavedState$1 or java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong state class -- expecting View State will occur. (depends on the view's order)

Because View.dispatchRestoreInstanceState() checks id only.

You may wonder why anyone would make views with different type to have same id.

But it can happen when you use tab activity.

Imagine you have tab activity with two children activity.

Tab1 is ListActivity and Tab2 is ExpandableListActivity.

Both activity have id of "@android:id/list" but the type of view is different.

This means we cannot use ListActivity & ExpandableListActivit at the same in one tab activity.

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Android :: Handle Screen Orientation Changes With An Activity Started Within A Tab's Activity

Nov 2, 2010

I have a TabActivity, and each Tab corresponds to its own Activity. In one of them, in the onCreate method, I use startActivityForResult to show a dialog (specifically, Bump's BumpAPI activity).


The problem is that when the screen orientation changes, it tries to create the tab's activity again which makes another BumpAPI dialog, resulting in multiple stacked on top of each other. Do I have a hook into the started activity to cancel the previous one when the orientation changes?

A workaround seems to be to add a button that when clicked, starts the second activity, but that adds an unnecessary step.

Also, I can't fix the screen orientation for the entire tabActivity because some of them require typing and users may want to use their physical keyboards.

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