Android : How To Draw A 9-patch That Tile Its Border Instead Of Stretching It?
Sep 20, 2010is it possible to draw a 9-patch that tile its border instead of stretching it?

is it possible to draw a 9-patch that tile its border instead of stretching it?
I'm trying to draw some text onto an MapView on Android. The drawing of the text goes fine, but it's very hard to read the text because it's white with no black border (like the rest of the text that appears naturally on MapViews to denote cities, states, and countries). I can't seem to figure how to draw the text with a black border. This is the sort of code I'm using right now (this is just example code, found in one of my overlays):
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
Paint textPaint = new Paint();
textPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
canvas.drawText("Some Text", 100, 100, textPaint);
super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);}
I have followed the example in for the gradient dividers: I have tried to draw a horizontal line at the BOTTOM of my linear layout. Here is my linear layout file:
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/test" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
<ImageView android:id="@+id/icon1"
And I did add <View
But i don't see any line at the top of the LinearLayout. And when I go to Hierarchy View and see he View (for the hort separator), the getWidth() is 0 while getHeight() is 1. Can you please tell me what am I missing?
Between each row in list view, android draw a horizontal line (fades away at both ends). If I have a LinearLayout view, how can i add a border like that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a Canvas object on the Android. What seems strange is that although I generated my nine patch using the draw9patch tool, the constructor for NinePatch requires an additional byte array called the "chunk" to construct the nine patch. Why isn't this simpler? What is the "chunk"? And if you have done this yourself, how did you go about it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried enough to find in google & android this question. Also did several trials & errors, but couldn't get this question. was learning Android's "Draw Nine Patch" images. One basic I know is that, whatever image you process must be in .png format (if it's already in .9.png then it will be ignored by tool). However, couldn't understand what it literally means by "stretchable patches" ? what exactly happens when you draw black dots outside the .png image ? (preview pane shows changes happening, but I am unclear on how it makes those)When I draw black dots in left/top sides of image it shows some changes in preview; but why isn't there any effect when you do the same on right/bottom side of the image ? why this tool is used primarily for background, when we try to process on the image itself ?i am trying to modify a simple button.png (given in android sdk). Whenever I use this tool & draw black lines, it reduces the size of the image instead of 'stretching' it! Why ?What is the significance of options given below like, "show lock", "show content", "Patch scale" and so on ?I apologize for asking so many questions, but in Android online docs they haven't explained well for novice. If someone can answer these, it will become ready reference for all the begineers who search this forum.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can one stretch evenly rows of a TableLayout, regardless of the row's content? I know that One can stretch columns evenly be setting the stretchColumns='*".
View 2 Replies View RelatedA simple ListView with, say, 6 rows (Views). Now, I want it to fit exactly a single screen. Any straightforward way to do this? Or should I go with a custom view?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my android application I use this method in "draw" Overlay class for draw route on map. Can someone tell me if this method is good (in terms of performance) for route draw on map or I must to put code in Thread ??
I'm new to android.
public synchronized void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
if (pointsAndTimes.isEmpty()) {
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setARGB(250, 255, 0, 0);.............
Kind of a newbie question, I suppose:
I've got a horizontal layout with Button, SeekBar, Button. I'd like the actual space (and active area) of the button to be somewhat wider than the image (a round dot) used for the button.
So I tried setting paddingLeft and paddingRight on the button.
But what I got was the round dot stretched into an oval.
How would I increase the width of the button without stretching the image?
It seems that a TextView inside a LinearLayout forces that LinearLayout to be larger. I am trying split my screen top 50% and bottom 50% and also the bottom 50% is split into 3 parts. So I did my weights 3 (for the top), and then 1, 1, 1 (for the bottom) for a total of 6.
Here is what it looks like.
As soon as I take out the TextView inside the first LinearLayout the splits are proper. The moment I put the TextView inside the top LinearLayout the top LinerLayout gets larger by the amount of the the TextView.
Here is my code:
related to the the screen resolution change of Bluestacks for Windows.With changing registry entries it is possible to change the size to greater resolutions, for example FHD 1920x1080..Window and full screen will use FHD but the content is STRETCHED from a smaller resolution with gives text and some graphics an unsharp view.
Is it anyhow possible to get a REAL resolution change without stretching?
I'm putting together a simple test made up of two tutorials available online for OpenGL ES on Android. This is really just so that I can learn about the basics of OpenGL ES to better understand how I have to design my program.
Right now, when it tries to render, the mouse movement effect works, but I get no square drawn on the screen.
Here are the two source files I'm dealing with:
The second one is the tile object itself:
Like the title. I have a small drawable file, but the ImageView is much larger than it. How I can fill it without left any extra space?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing checkers application for Android. I have drawn on Canvas gameboard and tiles for each side, also I have made selection of tiles by D-Pad. But what about, Android phone doesn't have D-Pad? There must be a way how to do that in touch (I touch a tile - it is selected now). Do you have any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an app for DroidX which is 480x854.
I set up my AVD as follows:
That's it. The emulator loads fine and looks great but my app doesn't fill_parent for some reason. See here:
It doesn't scale all the way up and I'm not sure why.
Here is my XML:
Thank to previous replies, and with a major inspiration from , i started to build a simple Tile Generator for my simple 2D zelda-like game project.I can now generate a map with the same textured tile, using 2 for(..) imbricated iterations to draw horizontal and vertical tiles, and got some basic DPAD key input listeners to scroll over the x and y axis.but now im running into my first performance problems, just with one texture and one model.When trying to build a 10x10 map, scrolling is fine and smooth.When trying with 50x50, things get worse, and with a 100x100, its way unacceptable.Is there a way only to tell OpenGL to render the 'visible' part of my mapset and ignore the hidden tiles? im a totally new to this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been stuck for ages now trying to implement threading or background image loading for a custom tile overlay class I've been working on. I'm pretty useless when it comes to Java so threading isn't something I've had any experience with. Basically I have extended an ItemizedOverlay and in the draw() method calculate the tiles I need to display over the standard google tiles then fetch those images with a URLConnection and using BitmapFactory decode them and draw them to the canvas at the correct position on the screen so that the images are on top of the google tiles with about 50% opacity (the custom tiles are cellphone network coverage png's which are used for our web app). I initially got this all working with the tiles loading in the correct places but hit issues with memory and "freezing" while panning so implemented some basic caching and memory management to only store the tiles that are displayed on the map in memory and when downloading a tile store it to SD card.
Then I figured the freezing while panning is due to the blocking nature of downloading the images so, have been trying to implement threading. I created a class that extends AsyncTask to download the images in the background and store them to SD, in the onPostExecute method I then try to draw all the tiles. But onPostExecute never seems to fire, now I know that the AsyncTask has to be called in the main ui thread so tried to debug the execution with Thread.currentThread().getId() calls through out the code. The thread Ids through out is 1 and then 10 for the doInBackground method for the AsyncTask. Now I'm not sure if 1 is the main UI thread or not. In the extended MapActivity class I have, the onCreate method's Thread.currentThread().getId() returns 1 but I'm not sure if the MapActivity class is executed in the main ui thread? Here Romain Guy mentions that the onPostExecute method should have @Override but when I do that eclipse flags it as an error
"The method onPostExecute(Boolean...) of type TileCache.ImageLoadTask must override or implement a supertype method"
So I guess something is wrong there but the only fix eclipse offers is to remove the @Override
So I guess with out post all my source code, the question's I have are:
Is the MapActivity onCreate method called in the main ui thread?
What does the @Override error mean? or why does it show that error
Does anyone have an example of a custom tile overlay implementation with background image loading and tile caching?
I would like to have a shape that has border only on 3 sides: top, left and right, i.e. I want bottom to be open. How can I achieve that defining shape in XML? Currently I have a normal 4 side border using the following shape XML definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
<solid android:color="#FFE8F0F8" />
<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="#808480" />
<padding android:left="1dp" android:top="1dp" android:right="1dp" android:bottom="1dp" /> </shape>
I want to create our own BorderLayout like this <BorderLayout> <left> </left><right>/right> <top> </top><bottom> </bottom> </BorderLayout> i know there is no layout in android like this , so I want to create like this. I have seen a borderLayout http://www.anddev. org/viewtopic.php?p=5087 here .but if we want to create a BorderLayout inside the Border Layout,with this example comlexity is more.(inner BorderLayout).so if u have any solutions tell me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to set a border ( thick line) to the linear layout. is it possible then how can i set it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to draw a border around a textview?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using buttons in my list view. I would like to add border to my button. How can i do that.
My XML code for creating button look like this.
suggest me some solution or provide me some source code for doing this.
how to add quick setting tile in statusbar?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI changed the background color of Tab WIdget in Android. But when I changed the background, I lost the border of each Tab. I want to change the border color of Tab Widget. How can I change it? Is there any other way by which I can show the border?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to develop a web application using HTML, CSS and Javascript one thing that is really annoying is that any link or button etc when clicked inside the Android browser gets highlighted with a green border.
To demonstrate what I mean I have included a link to a page that contains a basic game written in CSS
Is there any way that you are aware of to disable the click green border?
I would need to set the Border and handle the color for an ImageView in AndroidHow?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen using border-radius on my android emulator I am seeing ugliness like this:
Is there anyway to get Android to display rounded corners via -webkit-border-radius in a more pleasing way? Most modern desktop browsers and Mobile Safari seem to antialias their corners, but not Android's renderer.
I'm really hoping I don't have to do this with images, and there is some awesome trick to get pretty corners with only a border radius css declaration.
I want to set custom border for gallery item.
When i zoom a image which is selected in gallery,I want to change border only for selected item.
How to do that?