Android :: How To Close All Activities In App?
May 2, 2010I have two activities,A ,B A will start activity B When I press "back"button in B, I want to close A also But how can I close A here?

I have two activities,A ,B A will start activity B When I press "back"button in B, I want to close A also But how can I close A here?
In my program i'm using 3 activities. How to close 2 activities at a time?.. Now i'm in I need to close &
Can any one give me some code to close all the services and activities of my app so they dont reopen? i know in android you dont have to close your app but i want the app to exit if the terms of service are not accepted. at the moment im using android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid()); in one of my activities but the launch activity automatically starts aggin, any way to prevent this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedCan someone tell me how to close all activities running under a tab?My initial activity does not need a tabbed view. Therefore, to initiate a tab for the next (remaining) activities, I call a class that extends TabActivity, from the first tab.All this class does is to assign and call activities based on the tab click.Currently, to close all activities i am using StartActivityforResult.But in this case, while calling activites from the TabHost, setContent does not accept a result code as a parameter.Help me to solve this one. My application is stranded in a blank screen before closing. i.e. in the TabActivity class.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to call BarCodeScanner, and return the value to a now, i have a toast that says "successful scan" and then i want to pass the result to a new activity. when i comment out my intent, everything works (minus the passing of data/switching of screen, obviously) but when i run my project as is, it FC's no errors reported by eclipse in code or xml. any insights?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Activity which is an OpenGL view. I also have an xml layout to use for preferences. Until now, to show the preference menu, I just brought it to front by setContentView(). And the same to get back to the OpenGL view. But is this a case where I should give the preference menu its own Activity? I guess this would make a few things much easier. For example, the back button would just work, opposed to now where I have to code it or it will just exits the application.And if this is a good idea, how do I pass data both ways? I have a class that store all preferences. Can I send it to the Activity and back again? Or is the best way to store the preferences in a sqlite database and then use it for passing data?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have read '', specifically step 4 ahow can I return a different result to the 'calling activity', in this example, it always return ACTIVITY_CREATE. What if the 'activity being launcher' has a 'okay' and a 'cancel' button. How can the 'calling activity' knows which button user presses in the 'activity being launcher'.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRight now I have 2 activities (A+B) and what I would like is for only 1 of them ever to be on the stack (If A shows B, I want the back button from B to go to the home screen not A). Is their a good way of doing this with activities Or should I change my app to be a bunch of views?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn my project ,I need get all the name of the activities ,not only my own application, but also the third party application , and how can I get?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an application with three tabs. Through various interactions with the items in the tabs I end up launching other activities. The client has reviewed this and would like the activities launched "within" the tabs, so the tabs remain visible and if the user clicks the tab it goes back to the original activity defined in the setContent function. Is this possible and how would I go about this from other activities? (ie the child activities, not the one that defines the TabHost and has access to call setContent)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a very simple game that consists of only one activity, and I want to add a title screen.If the title screen is another activity, what changes do I need to make to my manifest file to make the title screen open first?The gameplay activity is called Leeder, and the title screen activity is called LeederTitleScreen.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen click the grid item, i want to show a progressbar between the time of next Activity shown. then the second activity has a custom listview. there also i want to show a progressbar. how to do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to have two activities in an Android app that can be switched between each other with UI persistence.I would like the changes made in step 2 to be visible in step 4.I have tried using the singleInstance activity tag on Activity B to no avail. I would also prefer a more elegant solution than simply writing all object properties to a file or SQLite table.It seems that this behaviour must be easily achievable given that Android does it automatically for calls to onBackPressed() where the parent Activity's UI is saved.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create multiple tabs, each with a different Activity. The only downside is i'm using a custom layout file thus my class extends an Activity rather than a TabActivity. While trying to run, it fails and suggests calling TabHost.Setup(ActivityGroupManager agm)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on an Android app that has multiple screens the user will need to navigate between and I am curious what the best practices are when switching between those screens. I am torn between creating a new Activity for each screen and simply changing the view (setContentView(R.layout.whatever)). The screens all share at least some variable values so I'm leaning toward changing views and using class level variables, but I'm worried a single activity could become very large and confusing with logic for multiple screens in a single file. I'd like to keep the code clean and separated, but I also don't want to be passing several variables around between views if that isn't needed.Being new to Android development, I'm hoping some more experienced members of the community could share their thoughts and let me know how best to handle it
View 2 Replies View Relatedi identified problem in changing one activity using tab, in on tab activity i am adding data to sqlite in other tab activity i am displaying them using listview(array adapter)but when i come back to add data and after adding new item to sqlite the newly added records are not updated in listview.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to transfer data between activities without using "extars"? I need to access MyOwnObject in Atctivity 1 from Activity2 Possible with using static fields?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to display a list of all activities (i.e., icon and label) on the phone in a ListView. Here is my code to get the activities:
However, when I display the list, many of the activities' icons weren't found. I tried both of the following to get the icons to no avail:
resolve.activityInfo.getIconResource() resolve.activityInfo.icon
What's the proper way to do this?
In my application, I don't want the activity to restart when user changes his mobile's orientation or when he opens his physical keyboard.So, I have to assign the following XML attribute to all my activities in the manifest file.Is it possible to assign the same XML attribute value to all activities ? Or should I copy the attribute in all the <activity> tags of the manifest?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI hear that "some Activities never display UIs" according to My question: is this true? I have yet to find a way to make an Activity without a UI. Documentation suggests an Activity can be non-visual.For example, Activity.getWindow() returns the "current window, or null if the activity is not visual."When would an Activity have a null Window?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLet's assume i got two activities "Main" and "Sub" Activity "Main" is forced into portrait orientation using setRequestedOrientation At some later point "Main" runs "Sub" using startActivityForResult.Somehow "Sub" also starts in portrait orientation while i would expect the call to setRequestedOrientation only to affect the calling activity.How do i get "Sub" to respect the system orientation while keeping "Main" locked in Portrait?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI design a rotate animation when activity 1 ends, and then start activity 2.but this code will not saw the animation totally, that's means, the animation will pop up a second then soon activity2 start! but I need the animation play over, then the activity 2 how I do for that requestion? I almost use the thread&handler to do, but it wasn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a tabbed applicationen setup. I like to keep the tabs visible at all times and work with its subactivites as 'more or less' standalone application threads.Within one or more of these tab subactivities, I'd like to start its own sub-activity, which should not hide the root tabs.Whatever I've found will call ctx.startActivity() which works, but will hide the tabs by using the full screen.Is there a way to limit the sub actitivies to a parent activities bounds, and keep (in my case) the rot Tabs visible? Where shall I look?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get a list of all apps and their activities and intent filters? Basically, I'd like to know what another app is "listening to" so I can provide an Intent that matches. (I suppose that this will require an ADP, which is fine).
I tried grabbing the AndroidManifest.xml from an .apk file in /data/ app, but that didn't seem to work - I ran jar -xf on the apk, but the xml wasn't plain ASCII.
In my application I have several activities, the main screen has 4 buttons that each start a different activity. So one of them is a search activity, once it searches it shows you a result activity. This result activity can be reached from other activities, so in general something like this:
Main activity -> Search activity -> Result activity
Main acitivty -> someother activity -> Result activity
Now, if I have reached this result activity and press back once or twice, and after that press the Home key it will show the Home screen. But if I want to get back to my application by holding the Home button and clicking on my app it will always go back to the Result activity, no matter which activity was the last one I was using. And if I press again back it will take me back to the Home screen.
If I try it again it will take me again to the Result activity. The only way to avoid this is to start the application by clicking on the app's icon. And this takes me to the last activity I was using and it remembers the state so if I press back again it doesn't take me to the Home screen, instead to the activity before it. To illustrate this:
Main activity -> Search activity -> result activity --back--> Search activity --Home Button--> Home Screen --Hold Home and select the app --> Result activity --back--> Home Screen
--Click application icon--> Search activity --back--> Main activity
Another thing that happens is that if I press the Home button while on the Result activity, and start the app by clicking the icon, it will take me to the activity prior the the Result one.
I am working on an app that has multiple tabs. In the first tab the user will enter values. In the other tabs it will display the results of calculations based off of those values.
Like in tab 1, the user will enter "3" and "2". In tab 2, the program will add them and display "5".
In tab 2 how do I access the ints "3" and "2"?
I have an application that has a tabbed interface. What I would like to know is how I can change the currently active Activity in the tab, and then when I'm done with that Activity, go back the the original Activity, exactly as it was.
Would I be able to use something like a ViewFlipper for this? Or probably not?
Consider the following use case. Activity 1 starts Activity 2. Activity 2 is currently in foreground. Now, Activity 1 wants to display a Dialog. Is it possible for Activity 1 to display a Dialog? What will be the error display, if any?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any design guideline on the number of Activities an application could have? If there is a limit, what would be the ideal number of Activities that can be bundled in an Android application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wish to set the title of each activity with a constant value which is fetched from a local sqlite database. the value is the user's username.
Is there a way to set the title once and have it affect all activities? or do I have to manually set the title on each activity?
If there is a way, how is it achieved?