Android : How To App Knows That View Of Device Changed From Portrait To Landscape?
Feb 28, 2009how the application knows that the view of device has changed from portrait to there any way to know the application about view change.

how the application knows that the view of device has changed from portrait to there any way to know the application about view change.
I am using two xml layout file layoutPotrait.xml and layoutLandscape.xml.When device/emulator is in portrait mode i want to set the content view with layoutPortrait.xml file and when I will change the emulator to landscape mode I want to set content view with layoutLandscape.xml file. How can I achieve this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile working on orientation change I have found that the onConfigurationChanged is not getting called when changing the orientation from portrait to landscape.But when I am changing from landscape to portrait the method is getting called. Is it the correct behavior because the onConfigurationChanged should by called whenever we are changing the orientation. (android:configChanges="orientation")? I have also found one strange behavior or error, When we are changing from portrait to landscape orientation the string value is displayed correctly(automatically by android system) but when in am changing the orientation from landscape to portrait the same string is displayed(i.e the string in landscape mode).The expected behavior is the string id specified in the portrait mode should be displayed.Is it an platform bug or something wrong in my code/programming.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI made an app thats use the camera. The first problem i get was that i can't use portrait preview without the rotation 90º image. I used the solution (landscape for all), but now, only in the real device, when i start the app and i have the device in portrait mode it crashes (need to force close) and only after reboot the phone its possible to connect to camera, even in the camera app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to know the device state programmatically.
I mean whether the device is in portrait mode or in landscape mode by programming (in a class which extends the Activity).
I worked in a tabactivity, I set the gravity for tabs as bottom. If I change the screen from portrait to landscape, I can't see the tabs. How can I do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFlashed the CM6 RC1 Rom and have been running smooth as glass. Suddenly, it is crashapaloosa on me. I am betting it is the hinky Flash 10.1 that is doing it. It happens mostly when I switch from portrait to landscape view.
Also getting odd messages like "Unable to Log In". Not sure what it is logging into but apparently it can't. Anyone else having issues? Will try dumping Flash 10.1, also will try shutting down SetCPU and see if those don't help. Ah bugs ;-)
Is there anyway to find out if a device is portrait or landscape by default? In that I mean how you normally use the device.
Most phones have a portrait screen for normal usage but is there some flag for finding that out?
Is anyone elses phone not flipping back and forth from portrait to landscape view when they rotate the phone? Ive check the settings and it is set to change orientation when phone rotates but for some reason it is not doing it.
View 29 Replies View RelatedI know if you change a android phone from portrait to landscape sometimes the app relays its self out on the screen.. so how do I simulate rotating a phone with the AVD? On the Blackberry emulators there's a button in the menu to turn the phone, but I can't find it or any option on the Android ones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to display a table which would fit better in portrait view than in the landscape view. How do i instruct the emulator to change the orientation?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow did you support both landscape and portrait for appwidget? the layout of appwidget will never change when orientate the device from landscape to portrait. by the way, would you please tell me which device support both landscape and portrait for appwidget?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor changing from portrait to landscape mode i have done some changes in manifest.xml and included some code in file
In manifest.xml i have included <activity_name android:configChanges="orientation"/>
i entered some data in portrait mode. but when i rotate my mobile from portrait to landscape the control goes to onConfigurationChanged() method.
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); setContentView(R.layout.screen1_landscape);
When we try to implement orientation in AP layer, we can set "android:screenOrientation" parameter in AndroidManifest.xml file or call "setRequestOrientation()" method of Activity class. But if I want to porting android in new HW device, how can I do? Do I need to modify the graphic driver, or just add configuration in program. (Actually I do some experiments but my AP cannot rotate) Besides, can every experts tell me when I set the "android:screenOrientation" parameter, which process will read this configuration, pass to where and which process will do the rotation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to detect landscape vs portrait orientation with the following:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { float pitch = event.values[2];
if (pitch <= 45 && pitch >= -45) { // portrait }
else if (pitch < -45) { // landscape }
else if (pitch > 45) { // landscape } }
Anyone have something more robust? It works pretty well, except if the phone is in a landscape orientation and the user starts to 'flatten' it out, starts thinking it's in the portrait orientation again.
I've seen references to being able to specify two separate layout xml files for an activity, one for Portrait and one for Landscape. I've not been to find any information on how to do that though. How do I specify for each activity which xml file is it's portrait layout and which is the Landscape layout? Is it also possible to specify different layouts for different screen sizes? If so, how is this done?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to add rotation effect when change mode portrait to landscape? I want to make it smooth.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince the FROYO update some stuff is only in Lanscape and it's what I would call upside down. Is there a fix for that? Like Gmail and internet and some others I noticed. Other than that it's smokin fast and everything is working fine for me.
View 16 Replies View RelatedAs u know, since android 1.6, there are not dirs on dirs like HVGA-L. Instead, there is only one dir like HVGA. That is, HVGA-P and HVGA-L are merged into one dir, HVGA. So, only HVGA can be selected and by default the emulator is started with portrait mode. Though I can press CTRL+F11/F12 to switch it to landscape mode, I do not like it. What I want is to start the emulator with default mode of landscape. Would anyone know how to do it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know how to rotate whole system screen from landscape to portrait?The platform is not G1 or any other phones, it's just a normal ARM platform.Not only one application but whole system.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like to use Swype in portrait mode but the Android keyboard in landscape mode. Is there an app to auto-switch the keyboard based on the orientation of the phone?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have an app that I started in 1.6. It used images that were specific to portrait and landscape layouts. I put these in the corresponding drawable folders, for example:
when I created a new project with 2.0 it gave me the following folders. drawable drawable-hdpi drawable-mdpi drawable-lpdi. when I look at the documentation around these folders it all seems very straight forward. I assumed that you were able to create the following folders. drawable-hdpi-land drawable-mdpi-land drawable-lpdi-land
and everything would work as before. The image directory would swap automagically pulling the appropriately laid out image depending on your screen orientation. Unfortunately it does not. The SDK seems to get confused, and if I clean the project, the folders come up as poorly named.
Is there a way to pro grammatically force the screen to change between landscape and portrait mode? I want to allow the user to choose a menu item to rotate the screen, instead of relying on pulling out the keyboard. I am looking for something like activity.change Screen Orientation, but couldn't find such a thing in the API docs.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am facing a problem when i put a text view on screen in landscape mode it position is fine but when i switch to portrait mode it position is remain fix it not change according to screen resolution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am finding that my layouts tend to look great in one orientation but if I change the phone's orientation, things are a mess. For example on one screen I have 6 large buttons that look great in portrait orientation but if the user changes phone orientation, those buttons get cut off in portrait.
Do I need to code two layouts for every screen - one for portrait and one for landscape? That would be such a waste of time.
How to rotate the screen to landscape (or portrait) by programmable way? I am trying to make it independent when user rotates the screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy application should hold a camera preview surface. The camera is fixed to landscape view via AndroidMainfest.xml I am quite new to the Android plattform programming. Of course I don't know much about the programming tricks and workarounds yet. I did a lot of research over the last two weeks (even studied the native Camera implementation), but couldn't find a good solution so far.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am writing two xml files for landscape and portrait and create res/layout-land folder,execute my code but did not work portrait mode,have any setting set for work my code for landscape and portrait..please give any sample code for that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change the screen orientation from portrait to Landscape and vice-versa when the user shakes his/her android mobile phone, can any one help how to achieve this, because I do not know what event is fired, at the time his/her shaking thier android mobile phone. For Instance When the users touch the button in UI, touch event is fired, similarly when the user shakes his android mobile phone, what is fired.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Evo seems to have a very strong preference for landscape view. Any time I am not holding the phone completely straight up it drops to landscape. Then even if I do push it back straight up it doesn't wanna go back to portrait view. Has anyone else experienced this and are there any tricks to get rid of the problem?
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