Android : How To Pass Object From An Activity To Another
Oct 15, 2009There is an activity which has an object. This activity(say A) starts another activity(say B). Can B use some object in A?

There is an activity which has an object. This activity(say A) starts another activity(say B). Can B use some object in A?
I have an activity which implements an OnItemClickListener.code...
However, I need to pass some objects from MyActivity1 to MyActivity2 --
I see there is an Intent.putExtra() for all the basic types, and I even see a Bundle which is a collection of basic types, but how can I pass a generic "Object" to MyActivity2 ?
In my activity , I create a Bitmap object, and I need to launch another activity,
How can I pass this Bitmap object from the sub-activity (the one which is going to be launched)?
I have read posts on passing arrays from and to activities, but I am confused as to how I would do it for my specific case.
I have an array of objects called DaysWeather (a DaysWeather[] array) where the objects have several String attributes as well as a bitmap attribute. I read somewhere that you have to make it serializable or parceable or something, but it seems messy at first glance.
Could someone lead me in the right direction?
Is there a simple way to do this?
I am developing an app that connects to a server. For that connection I created a class Client that maintains info about the connection . My app consists of several Activities and each of that Activity needs access to the Client object to communicate to the server. 1) Can I put somewhere the Client object so that all Acitvities have an access to it? 2) If not I would probably need to pass the object to each Activity via Intent.putExtra(). But putExtra doesn't accept Object as an argument. It only accepts several types like int, long, String etc. So how can I pass an object to another Activity?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to show messageBox or notification when connection lost in Static DB class but i cant use getApplicationContext() because its a static class and i tried to call other class called notification but i have error so how i could pass activity object to my new class .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI define a class Rect and a aidl file as below. code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do some automated testcase with Instrumentation . Suggest that my AUT has 2 Activity. After clicking the button in ther first Activity, the second one will be shown with new content base on what we enter in the first Activity.) Instrumentation provides us the function called startActivitySync() and return the Activity object for processing. My question is how we can get the pointer of the second Activity after the it is shown by clicking the button on the first activity.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to pass an object to the intent so i can access that object in my new activity?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two class, class A and B, B include class A, like this..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Activity that running on system. I can get the Intent that is used to start the activity. But i don't know how to get the Activity object from the Intent object or something else. Can anyone tell me how to do this??? Note that, I don't use Instrumentation object.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have an Object that I need to be able to pass between Activites. It implements Parcelable and I've written all the code related to that. The problem is that one of the properties of the Object is a Drawable - and really needs to be. Unfortunately, Drawable is neither Parcelable or Serializable. I don't understand how to pass it. The reason for having the Drawable is that I need to cache an Image that I've downloaded from the internet at runtime. I don't want to cache the images on the filesystem, since this would potentially end up using up a lot of space over time. I'm putting the image into a Drawable so that I can easily put it into an ImageView.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to pass a JavaScript object from JavaScript to Java using addJavascriptInterface()? Something along these lines: var javaScriptObject = {"field1":"string1", "field2":"string2"}; JavaScriptInterface.passObject(javaScriptObject); How would such a call be captured on the Java side? I have no problem setting up the interface to send a string, but when I send an object, I receive null on the Java end.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I pass a singleton class's object from one activity to another activity using intent? I am using singleton class as image class img = image class.get Instance();, so i need the img instance for another activity, how can i pass an object instance in Android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have this code fragment: Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a class A which is responsible for fetching data from web services in android and i have a class B which is responsible for creating and rendering List View in android
Now how can i populate data on List View once the data is fetched successfully.
well i have following options but which one is better .. (if someone has anyother then i don't mind)
1) Create an intent of Class B and
pass the data that need to be
2) Creating a static method int Class
B which will accept the data as an
argument and call setListAdapter
in class B i have used Holder Patter to create ListActivity. ( for reference in samples of Android )
I'm working on an application that requires non-serializable objects to be passed between Activities. The following page suggests using a HashMap of WeakReferences to accomplish this:
Is this solution safe? I know Activities are completely destroyed and recreated when the screen orientation changes. Couldn't those weakly referenced objects get GCed in the split second when the screen is rotated, since they wouldn't be referenced elsewhere at that point?
I'm building an android application, which has a list view, and in the list view, a click listener, containing an onItemClick method. So I have something like this:
public class myList extends ListActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
getListView().setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id) {
/* Do something*/
Normally, this works fine. However, many times I find myself needing too preform an application using the outer class as a context. thusfar, I've used: parent.getContext(); to do this, but I would like to know, is that a bad idea? I can't really call: because it's not really a subclass, just an embedded one. So is there any better way, or is that considered cosure? Also, if it is the right way, what should I do if the embedded method doesn't have a parameter to get the outside class? String[] items={"one","two"}; Bundle map = new Bundle(); map.putStringArray ("link",items); Intent myintent = new Intent(view.getContext(),two.class); myintent. put Extras (map) ;startActivityForResult(myintent,0); Bundle map=this. get Intent() .getExtras(); String links=map.getString("link"); tell me that how can i get the two string values from one activity to another one. such as links[0]="one"; and links[1] ="two";
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two activity in my project. I am callilng second activity from main activity. can some one tell me how can i pass some data to that activity? Simply i want to pass object array. Can some one tell me how can i do it ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn my Android app,I start a new activity with startActivityForResult(). I get the result in onActivityResult() perfectly. My problem is that there is a small bit of data that I know before I start the activity and I need that value to be available in onActivityResult(), too. I tried attaching it to my intent as an extra, but it wasn't attached to the intent that is available when the activity returns the result. I made it work by storing the data in a global variable, but I really don't like that approach. Is there a better, right way to pass data through an activity (instead of just to it)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? I am trying to open a SQLite database cursor in one activity, and pass it to another activity.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAssume that there activity A and B, A has a handler, now B is activate by A, how can i pass the handler to B? Currently i have a thread receive messages from socket, and dispatch messages to A and B, I think when B is activated, pass handler to B, then the handler can receive message from the thread. But I don't know how to do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i pass values of one activity to another?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI figured out how to pass a String value between activites thanks to this site, however I'm having trouble passing an image. What I'm trying to to is have a user click a button that opens the gallery and allows selecting of a picture. Then I have another button that opens another activity that displays an ImageView. I want to be able to have that ImageView's image be the chosen one from the previous activity.
Here is the class that has the button I'm clicking to open the gallery and retrieve the chosen image: code...
What I'm not sure about is in the OnActivityResult if I should pass the selectedImage or the chosenimage in the b.putExtra("bitmap", selectedimage); line. I tried both but I didn't see an image on the second activity. Also I wasn't sure in the PreviewScreen class if I'm setting the imageview correctly. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
This is my 1st activity code:
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), CustomerLogin.class);
i.putExtra("GrandTotal", mGrandTotal);
This is my 2nd activity code:
Intent in = getIntent();
Bundle b = getIntent().getExtras();
String total = b.getString("GrandTotal");
TextView grandtotal = (TextView) findViewById(;
grandtotal.setText("Welcome ," + total );
Here the value is pass from 1st to 2nd activity successfully. Now i have to pass these value to third can i do.
Now this is my 2nd activity:
if(isUserValidated && isPasswordValidated)
Intent intent = new Intent(CustomerLogin.this,PayPalIntegrationActivit y.class);
intent.putExtra("GrandTotal", total);
intent.putExtra("login",username.getText().toStrin g());
This is my third activity:
Bundle b = getIntent().getExtras();
String total = b.getString("GrandTotal");
TextView grandtotal = (TextView) findViewById(;
grandtotal.setText("Welcome ," + total );
Now i have to run the app means am getting the total value on 2nd activity.but am not getting the total value in 3rd activity.
This is my full source code:
1st activity:#5564017 - Pastie
2nd activity:#5564018 - Pastie
3rd activity:#5564020 - Pastie
When start the activity i will set the activity object to the Application, and i will registry it in the Appication app = MyApplication.getApplication(this);
1. Start Activity A store A id 0x12345678
2. Activity A -> Activity B
3. Store B id 0x87654321
4. Finish B activity
5. but the Activity B object not null in the Application
Is there someone could tell me how to get the KeguardScreenCallback object in my own Activity(For Example,the class of LockScreen,it has a parameter called "callback" in it's constructor,I want to get the "callback" in my activtity).so I can call the goToUnlcokScreen method to remove the screen lock.Or there maybe other way to do this?(I know KeyguardManager,so except this way first.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you set/pass values from one screen (activity) to another? What I have in the R.layout.main view labeled Calculator contains the code for doing calculations. The main.xml contains the layout (view) of the main screen. I have created an options menu which has another screen which shows you setup (R.layout.setup). The dialogsetup.xml contains the layout (view) for it.
When you press the menu button, you get the options menu. If you select "Setup", then it will display the setup screen. Now what I need to do is take the values from the setup screen (radio button and text values) and place them in the main screen so that when you exit the setup screen and go back to the main screen, you can take those values and use them in your main code.
I'm trying to pass data from notification to activity.
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