Android : How Can I Call An Activity Through Service In Droid?
Mar 30, 2010I want to know if it is possible to call an activity through background service in android like..
View 2 RepliesI want to know if it is possible to call an activity through background service in android like..
View 2 RepliesI have an Activity (A) and a Service (S) which gets started by A like this:
Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("updateInterval", 10);
i.setClassName("com.blah", "com.blah.S");
A have a function like this one in A: public void someInfoArrived(Info i) Now I want to call A.someInfoArrived(i) from within S. Intent.putExtra has no version where I could pass an Object reference etc.
Is it possible to call methods of a Activity from service. I am running a thread from a service and i listening to some external event from that thread. I am not able to call methods from that thread. Is there any way to call methods from a thread.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a back ground service running.I have a client which interacts with service.
When the client requests for some operation, the service performs it and it should send the result back to the activity(client).
I know how to invoke the service methods in activity and using call backs we can achive wat I wan to do. But I am not able to understa the call back mechanism and code example provided in Api demos(remoteservice).
I am starting an activity from one by passing some data in the intent. I want the next activity to call some asynchronous service (rest service) with the data from intent and show the result on screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy activity bind a service. I want to call the service's function in activity's onStart/onCreate function, but it doesn't work. The service started sunless but the connection is null. When I just call the service's function in other function (onClick for example),
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to call a webservice("") from android...
View 4 Replies View RelatedHere is my code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have one .NET (WSDL) webservice, & I want to invoke that web service from my android application to get some data from dat webservice. Can anybody please help me out?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever the memory needs to be reclaimed, the process is being killed by Activity Manager Service in killPidsForProcess. I have a back button in my activity window on right corner of the title bar.
I want to kill the activity completely on clicking the close button. Can I reuse the same function and will it have any major effect? Please help me out in this.
I've a service that is receiving UDP data from the network. I want to push this data from the service to a UI activity.
One way to do it is using broadcast Intents. What is the performance overhead of sending broadcasts frequently from the service to the activities?
Are there any other alternatives for doing this?
I need to made an activity (without layout) that on start check if a service is running. if it is true it starts Activity2, if it false it starts Activity1.
I tried with this code:
Enter code here
But when I check, in the onCreate method, if serviceConnect!=null I receive sometime a NullPointerExcption.
I tried also to insert the operation in the method onCreate in an Async Task:
I'm developing a GPS tracking software on android. I need IPC to control the service from different activities. So I decide to develop a remote service with AIDL.This wasn't a big problem but now it's always running into the methods of the interface and not into those of my service class. Maybe someone could help me?If i now try to call a method from an activity for example start(trackId) nothing happens. The binding is OK. When debugging it always runs into the startTracking() in the generated file and not into my TrackingService class. Where is the problem? I can't find anything wrong.
View 1 Replies View RelatedExperts: My MainActivity launches a SubActivity by calling: startActivityForResult(intent, REQ_CODE); The SubActivity shows a dialog that has two buttons: Yes, No For the dialog, I've the following code: public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {/* User clicked OK */setResult(DialogInterface. BUTTON_POSITIVE) ;finish();
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i call one activity to other activity without using intents and services?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi want to call a web service call, for that i used ksoap(j2me).when i do a service call i am getting the following exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/microedition/io/Connector.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI hosted my service WCF (.net) using a windows service,i can access to the service from any browser but when i tried to call it from android it doesn't respond. it works fine before the hosting procedure (i used host client by default on Visual Studio).The url that i try to attempt is from android emulator, and installed my webservice in the same local machine(endpoints address http://localhost.).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI made the upgrade to Google Voice today. But, after uninstalling Verizon's Visual Voicemail I am still getting text messages from Verizon that I have visual voicemail activity. Do I have to call them to cancel the service?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am requesting information from a web service in my android app. The web service returns a list of items, each item having a base64 image and some info
First method: simply access the web service and get the result. This means freeze of UI until data is downloaded. Not a good solution
Second method: put the data download in a thread, and display a progress bar with a message.
private void StartGettingData()
viewInfo = new Runnable(){
public void run() {
getData(); //from the web service.......................
I can call a webservice with KSOAP2 from android,now i want to know is it possible to call it without using KSOAP.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Service which is typically bound to, but sometimes needs to go into a mode where it should be active even if nobody is bound to it. Therefore, startService() must be called so it can be explicitly started & stopped. In my case, when exactly this should happen is best determined by the service itself, depending on its state (after being bound to). Can the Service (at the appropriate time) just call startService() from it's own Context?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to call my webservice for every 50 seconds (for different methods) .How can I achieve this...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to andriod and facing a problem to a web service in andriod i have web service given below i have seen many sample but they dont seems to be working..can any one guide me how can i call its function and get the data on andriod screen??? i am using ecslipse with ADT ..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on an Android service. I need to call RecognizerIntent from a service in order to use in the service the recognized text. I have no startActivityForResult() method in Service class so I have problem understanding how to achieve this task. Is it possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSuppose I have an Activity that's a list. It calls a Service when this Activity starts.The Service will do background stuff download, parse, and fill the list.My question is this: How can the Service communicate with the Activity?How can I call a method in the Activity, from the Service? (I'm new to OOP)
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Virgil Dobjanschi's talk, "Developing Android REST client applications" (link here), he said a few things that took me by surprise. Including:
Don't run http queries in threads spawned by your activities. Instead, communicate with a service to do them, and store the information in a ContentProvider.
Use a ContentObserver to be notified of changes.
Always perform long running tasks in a Service, never in your Activity.
Stop your Service when you're done with it.
I understand that he was talking about a REST API, but I'm trying to make it fit with some other ideas I've had for apps. One of APIs I've been using uses long-polling for their chat interface. There is a loop http queries, most of which will time out. This means that, as long as the app hasn't been killed by the OS, or the user hasn't specifically turned off the chat feature, I'll never be done with the Service, and it will stay open forever. This seems less than optimal.
Long question short:
For a chat application that uses long polling to simulate push and immediate response, is it still best practice to use a Service to perform the HTTP queries, and store the information in a ContentProvider?
Our application will expose a Service that can be called by Activities in other people's applications.In many cases, the parent applications calling Activity may be paused before our Service completes. I am looking for the best way for a Service to communicate back to the calling Activity that may have been paused.These are the known options:
(1) Require calling Activities to have a registerReceiver() with a custom action and broadcast to that from our Service. The only way to secure this registerReceiver() is with a signature-based permission.As our Service communicates with any number of unknown 3rd party apps,we can't sign our Service's parent app with all these unknown certificates. These apps would therefore be exposing an unsecured registerReceiver() on their Activity. Would ideally like to avoid requiring this.
(2) Create a PendingIntent to send results back to the activity and give it to our Service. Our Service would send data to calling Activity's onActivityResult(). Each time the result is delivered, the calling Activity will go through onPause() and onResume() but this should be OK.
(3) The calling Activities could create a Handler. The Activity would then create a Messenger pointing to that Handler and send it to our service. Our Service can then use the Messenger to deliver our message back to the calling Activity.
I have a launcher activity which gets activated everytime i start the application and a service which complements it. Now as i press the return key from my main activity .Its Ondestroy gets called.Now i have nullify the pointer of the my launcher activity there. now i am listening through the service any event happening on the network after closing the launcher activity thread and if any event occurs i have to relaunch my launcher activity. i have tried intent but doesnot seems to get though it .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a service (input method) and from within that service I want to start and activity which was declared in the same manifest. The activity maybe running but in the background.
How do i check its presence and bring it to front, or optionally start this.
From what I can gather from other posts, this is about what I need to do:
I don't knwo which of thest flags pertain to what I need to do. The docs are quite merky, and my random attempt at making this work failed.
My application has a background process which continuously waits on a socket for receiving messages and it should be started only once and at the time of application starting.Thus i want to do that background job in a service.
The service should not be started from the activity ,it should be started at the application starting.
How can i define the service,which will be started at the time of application starting?
If at all the service is started from activity.The activity can be destroyed and restarted.when this happens the service also be restarted .