Android :: How To Reuse Activity On Top Of Stack

Jun 16, 2010

My app has a single entry activity called "Main". In "Main" I call one of three other activities A, B, or C (based on a preference) and then immediately exit/finish"Main" so that only A, B, or C are active.I also have a permanent notification in the notification bar that users can pull down (at any time) to conveniently restart my App (calls intent with "Main" component).The problem is that if my app is already running and users pull down the notification and restart, I get A or B or C running on top of the previous activity (also A, or B, or C). How can I avoid this (i.e. reuse the activity on top of the stack)?I've tried Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_* and nothing seems to work. I've tried launchModel in the Manifest and it also didn't seem to work.

Android :: How To Reuse Activity on Top of Stack

Android :: Stack Of Activity From Activity Stack

Nov 2, 2009

There is a stack of activity i want to call the activity from that stack , My question is that is it possible to check from that stack and call that intent.When i press home button and again when i press the executable it should start the activity where i have left .Is it possible?Any example related to the same would be great help

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Android :: How To Clear Activity Stack If Using Same Activity Multiple Times?

Mar 3, 2010

So I have an app with Activity A. The layout on the activity is dynamic genearted. So it's possible that on Activity A a user hits a button that goes to "A" and the new page looks different, then a user clicks another button to go to "A" again. Now I have 2 Activities in the history stack. A, A, and currently on A. Is it possible that if a user clicks a button that the whole Activity stack is cleared in a scenario such as this?

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Android :: Finish Any Previous Activity In Stack From Current Activity?

Apr 27, 2010

How to finish any previous activity in application stack (at any level , I mean not immediate parent) , from current activity like on some particular event I want to invalidate this previous activity?

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Android :: Retain Only One Copy Of An Activity On Stack When Called From Non Activity

Jul 26, 2010

How can I make sure I only retain one copy of an activity on the stack when called from non-activity? When called from an activity I can just add the FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT flag to the Intent, but how can I do this from e.g. a widget or a notification?

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Android :: How To Clear All Activity In Stack Below Latest Activity?

Dec 22, 2009

All the current discussions involves clearing all activites above an existing activyt, but I'm trying to find a way to clear all the activities before the latest activity in the stack. So my scenario is A -> B -> C and then when a user goes to Activity D, activies A,B,C should be cleared from the activity stack. FLAG_ACTIVITY _CLEAR_TOP seems to only clear any activites above an existing activity. Anybody run into this scenario and found a solution?

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Android :: Clear Activity Stack And Replace With A New Activity

Sep 17, 2009

i want to clear the activity stack and replace it with a new activity as the root activity, even if that activity exists somewhere on the stack (or not). i see FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, but it's not obvious to me how to use those in conjunction to achieve what I want. it's like i want to completely restart the task with some activity that i specify as the new root.

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Android :: Make A Particular Activity As A Root Activity In Stack

Aug 4, 2009

i have a set of activities on my stack Say A-->B-->C. when i launch the activity named 'D' it should get fired as the root activity of my application and all the other activities(A,B,C) should get cleared from my stack once Activity D is launched.Can any one tell me as how to do this

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Android :: Strange Activity Stack Behavior When Using Map Activity

Apr 23, 2010

I have the following activity structure in my application A simple "splash screen" activity is started when the application is fired up (let's call it "Splash"). This activity starts the main activity when the user presses a button (I will call it "Main"). Main can in turn start two activities from the menu. The first activity presents a simple form (let's call this one "Form"), the second is a MapActivity that presents a map (it is called "Map").
Main, Form, and Map are declared exactly the same in the manifest:
<activity android:name="fully qualified activity class"
> <intent-filter>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
</intent-filter> </activity> When Main is active and I start Form and press "back", Main comes up again. Pressing "back" again brings up "Splash". Nothing strange here.Now comes the strange part: when I am in Main, start Map, and press "back", Main comes up as expected. But pressing "back" again just restarts Main. A second press on "back" is needed to bring me back to Splash!So it seems that starting the Map activity somehow results in Main ending up on the activity stack twice while starting the Form activity does not! Both Form and Map are started like this: start Activity(new Intent(this, MyActivity.class)); I don not catch the back key in any activity.Any clues on what is going on or how to debug this?

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Android :: Closing More Than One Activity In Activity Stack

Nov 4, 2009

I'm new android and i want to know how to remove more than one activity from stack. We use finish() for closing particular activity but i wanna close more than one activity underneath it, at a time.

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Android :: Clear Activity Stack?

Nov 3, 2009

Is there a way to clear our Activity stack? For example, a user in my app progresses through these activities, one is launched from the previous activity: ActivityA -> ActivityB -> ActivityC if the user is now looking at ActivityC, and they hit the back button, they will go back to ActivityB. Is it possible to add a menu to ActivityC where the user can clear their activity stack, and then launch a new instance of ActivityA? This would be so the user can jump to a particular activity in my application without getting confused with the back button + history,

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Android :: Activity Stack Not Preserved

Mar 10, 2010

My main activity A has as set android:launchMode="singleTask" in the manifest. Now, whenever I start another activity from there, e.g. B and press the HOME BUTTON on the phone to return to the home screen and then again go back to my app, either via pressing the app's button or pressing the HOME BUTTONlong to show my most recent apps it doesn't preserve my activity stack and returns straight to A instead of the expected activity B.Is there a setting I'm missing or is this a bug? If the latter, is there a workaround for this until the bug is fixed?

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Android :: Way To Navigate Up Activity Stack?

Sep 20, 2010

My understanding is to quit the app I need to call finish() on all activities up to the root activity. However, how do I navigate up activities in app activity stack from current active activity?

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Android :: Traversing Activity Stack

Sep 1, 2010

how can I assure I always go back clicking on custom menu option to previous activity. I think it is a good idea to start new activities by startActivity(context, XActivity.class) but then when option is selected I should call finish on that activity or again call startActivity(this, previousActivityName)?on the other hand android has all activities on a stack so clicking goback button on a phone I will always go back to previous view, so how can I get this stack.

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Android :: Removing Stack Of Activity

Jan 7, 2010

I have 5 Activities in sequence Activity1, Activity2, Activity3, Activity4, Activity5.When I am at Activity5 there is a button through I can go to Activity2.Means jump from 5 to 2 with removing the Activity3 & 4.How can I do that?

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Android :: Resetting Activity Stack

Sep 22, 2009

Activities: A & B are activities that once you have navigated away from them it's not logical that you can get back to them using the back button. C X are activities that follow the usual "can go back to where you came from" flow.App flow: * Launch app from Home -> starts A * From A start B * Finish A (removes it from stack) * From B start C * Finish B (removes it from stack) * From C start D * From D start E.Once the user has reached E, the activity stack looks like this: C -> D -> E. Can I somehow reset the whole stack so it starts again at A so it's as the user just launched it from Home (so that C... E are removed from the history stack)?

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Android :: Activity History Stack

Aug 1, 2009

I have 3 activities, I want to allow only one of each of the activities to be on the history stack at one time.A>B>C>[GO TO B] gives me A>C>B using FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT flag.Now the problem is that when I call B from C I want B to be restarted not just brought to the can I do that?

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Android :: Is There Way To Print Activity Stack?

Dec 15, 2009

Actually I was trying to automate some stuff on my android emulator. I start an activity through adb shell using "am" command, but when the activity starts do I have a way out to know that my activity is the one which is at the top & has the focus.I googled about it a lot but couldn't find the right way to do this.

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Android :: Not Understanding Activity Stack?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm having trouble with my activities when they go in the background. I have two activities, A and B. Only A can launch B (manifest copied below).This is very confusing. It's like Android knows my app is running, and puts a new instance of A on top of the old B instance running. I'd just expect that the application gets paused in-place, and whenever the user hits the app icon again, it just picks up where it left off (in this case, just show B again!) Below is the manifest, and the activity classes for this test are completely empty (except A which has a button to launch B).

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Android :: Access Activity Below In Stack

Sep 8, 2010

I have pushed one Activity to make few changes. Now I want to pass all the changes to the previous(below) Activity. I dont want to create Activity again;and intead i want to access the previous activity.

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Android :: Is There Way To Vizualise The Activity Stack?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there a way to vizualise the activity stack, at some moment during debug, or normal run ?

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Android :: Any Way To Go 2 Steps Back In Activity Stack?

Apr 7, 2010

Android - Can I force BACK button to go 2 steps back in the Activity stack with some kind of code? I know I can override the onKeyDown method but I want BACK to do it's thing, just twice!

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Android :: How To Clear Activity Stack In Task

Jan 6, 2010

I have three activities. Activity A start activity B by the method startActivityForResult, and Activity B start activity C by the method startActivity. Then, after starting activity C, activity B kill himself by finish(). Now the task stack stored two activities: A and C. My question is: how can I finish activity A when I finish activity C. or how can I clear the whole stack of the task.

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Android :: View Task's Activity Stack

Mar 14, 2010

I just started developing a simple Android application while I'm still learning its platform. I'm using Eclipse IDE with the ADT plugin 0.9.6 and I need to know if it's possible to view the activity stack that is associated with a Task. Is there any way through the DDMS tool or through any other technique?

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Android :: SingleTask Really Always At Root Of Activity Stack?

Sep 16, 2009

In the documentation it is stated that an activity with launchMode="singleTask" is always at the root of the sctivity stack. However, when I run my "singleTask" activity for a few scenarios and monitors behaviour with "adb shell dumpsys activity" I can see it placed both at the top of the stack (with numActivities=2) and in the middle of the stack (with numActivities=3). The activity at the root (frontOfTask=True) has a "normal" launchMode.Is the documentation incorrect or am I missing something?

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Android :: SingleTask / Activity Stack Not Preserved?

Feb 18, 2010

I have an activity, ActivityA, and its launchMode is set to "singleTask".I start the application from the app tray. ActivityA launches ActivityB from a button click. ActivityB is a normal activity with no launchMode set ("standard").With ActivityB on top of the activity stack, I hit the home button, then resume the app, I see ActivityA instead of ActivityB when resumed.Shouldn't the history stack be preserved in this case, and B be showing? When I resume, I see A get onNewIntent() called, and I'm not sure why this is happening. I thought the stack would be preserved.

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Android :: Enumerate Activity History Stack

Dec 17, 2009

When debugging I've sometimes wanted a tool that would list running tasks and show which activities are on the history stack for each task. I can get a list of tasks by calling ActivityManager.getRunningTasks(). Each ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo object in the list gives me interesting information such as the base activity, top activity, and number of activities in the task. I haven't found a way to actually enumerate all the activities in the task's history stack. Is there a way to get at such information?

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Android :: Passing Keyevents To The Next Activity In The Stack

Apr 4, 2009

I'm trying to create an activity which would be on top of other activities (a small dialog themed activity) and I want to get ALL key events to be ignored by my activity and handled normally by the activity beneath it. When I say all I mean the send, end and back keys too. Is this possible?I've tried setFocusable(false), setting the flag FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE, and adding a dummy onKeyListener but nothing doesn't seem to do the trick.

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Android :: Maximum Depth Of Activity Stack

Aug 20, 2009

Is it necessary to limit how deep the activity stack can become within an application?I'm implementing a browser-type app. Every time the user clicks a link, I could launch a new PageView activity, but then the activity stack might become very deep. Alternatively I could have a single PageView activity that changes its content when a link is clicked, maintains an internal history and overrides the BACK button.Is there anything performance-wise to choose between these two designs? Is it OK to let the activity stack become arbitrarily deep?

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Android :: Avoiding Activity Stack Overflow

Sep 17, 2009

I have the following situation. I have a task with the following activity stack -- A - B - C I have a menu item that allows me to start activity D; so my activity stack looks like this -- A - B - C - D Then I could select a menu item that allows me to start an activity C, which would cause my activity stack to look like this: A - B - C - D - C Then I could go back (via the menu item) to activity D, making my activity stack look like this: A - B - C - D - C - D Doing this a few more times, it would wind up looking like this -- A - B - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D - C - D This seems kinda stupid to me. I'd like it to simply re-use an activity, or pop the activity below to be on top (which goes against the nature of a "stack"). So, what I mean is if I had this activity stack: A - B - C - D And I started activity C (from the menu), I would get: A - B - D - C And if I then started activity D (from the menu), I would get: A - B - C - D Is there a way to do this without keeping some global list of activities and doing gross things to them to reorder them?

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