Nov 9, 2010I have the following php script, i want to pass parametrs from android to script and execute it.

I have the following php script, i want to pass parametrs from android to script and execute it.
I am trying to write something to an empty file on my apache server
The reponse returns "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" so it does find the file
I tried removing the file and it returned Error 404
I read apache's docs and looks like am doing it right "i think"
My problem is... the contents of the file do not get updated!
I am looking for an example of using a WebViewClient with shouldOverrideUrlLoading and using HttpPost. I need to display a web page, keep it within my layout boundaries so it can not launch a new browser and also use HttpPost to send data to the host.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am dealing with http post method on Android. I have successfully send simple string pairs using HttpClient and HttpPost class with the NameValuePair as entity. However now I want to send a simple array of bytes[]. Unfortunately the only entities I have found for the HttpPost class are the NameValuePair and FileEntity. However my byte[] is not from a file. Wirting it to a file and then sending by the FileEntity seems to be pointless and stupid. How can I send this array using default HttpClient and HttpPost class?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAndroid: 2.1 SDK
I have a hello.php running on standard Linux host. (Ubuntu 9.01 with Apache2 web server)
In android I have a simple activity which sends HttpPost or HttpGet to the above hello.php with some parameters in URL. Irrespective of HttpPost or HttpGet in my php always $_GET has values, $_POST is always empty.
How do I know in PHP if it was a post , get,put or a delete? $_REQUEST['REQUEST_METHOD'] is also always empty in my php.
I want to attach a file as HTTPResponse on Android 1.5. Also the contents of the file needs to be assigned to some variable.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm creating an activity which needs to upload an image to a webservice using their api. I found that if i use UrlEncodedFormEntity and send the image data through that. the webservice doesn't receive that. ( at least it will not be able to read that .) In fact if i add some vars to send with the image data ( like name of the file, filesize ) they can be read from the webservice but the image data still doesn't appear if i try to read it serverside.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to upload a image file to server and get back a JSON Object. But an IOException was thrown out. Following is my codes, can anybody have a look at them?
I'm trying to use HttpPost to send data from an android device to a server. It works great with a Wifi connection, but I get the IOException "The target server failed to respond" with a Mobile connection (3G, Edge, etc.). It doesn't seem to be a timeout problem (I set it to 90s). The use of HttpGet works perfectly with both Wifi and Mobile connection... Any idea of where the problem could come from?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've written some code for my Android device to login to a web site over https and parse some data out of the resulting pages. An HttpGet happens first to get some info needed for login, then an HttpPost to do the actual login process. The code below works great in a Java project within Eclipse which has the following Jar files on the build path: httpcore-4.1-beta2.jar, httpclient-4.1-alpha2.jar, httpmime-4.1-alpha2.jar, commons-logging-1.1.1.jar.
public static MyBean gatherData(String username, String password) {
MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
try {
HttpResponse response = doHttpGet(URL_PAGE_LOGIN, null, null);
System.out.println("Got login page");
String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
String token = ContentParser.getToken(content);
String cookie = getCookie(response);.......................
I'm working on an application that does an upload to a webserver, but struggling with the actual fileupload.. code:
Now, I have this working with what is no longer supported in MultipartEntity as follows:
Problem is MultipartEntity is apparently no longer supported, although I found the libraries I can include in my project.
I'm passing in parameters and returning string values, but all I receive is: org.apache.http.conn.EofSensorInputStream. Do I need to do something special in my web service to access the parameters being passed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on Android 1.5, and my code is like this:
After successfully executed these codes, the result is a stripped string. I've tried using browser to test the url+param, it works fine and got all data.
What's wrong with this code? Is there any parameters I need to specified?
I want to use HttpPost over https/ssl. I get 'Not trusted server certificate' error. I've found a lot of posts, seems that many people have similar problems and I've found two suggestions: 1) Change server's certificate. Current certificate is self-signed as localhost.localdomain. Unfortunetly it's not my server and I cannot change the certificate. 2) Use HttpsUrlConnection instead of HttpClient. But I cannot use it because sometimes (when response's code is 401 or 403) I got IOException during getting response code or reading inputstream.
So I've found 3rd solution - use httpclient, when system throws excetpion 'not trusted server certificate' than display warning, inform user that certificate is not trusted and ask if he wants to add this one to the keystore (webbrowser works this way). But I've no idea how to get certificate from the server and add to keystore.
I'm developing an Android app which needs to perform an HTTPPost to get a token back. Then use that token for subsequent calls. When I perform the initial call to get the token, it throws an exception: org.apache.http.auth.MalformedChallengeException: Authentication challenge is empty
Here is my code:...............
I googled "Authentication challenge is empty", and one this website: he had a similar problem. He determined that his web server requires preemptive authentication. Which I believe ours does too. I tried implementing what he did, and still, no dice.
I've hard coded the token in other requests, and I am able to perform HTTPGet calls.
What is the Authentication Challenge that I'm missing?
How can I call a Webservice with a byte[] parameter? Tried using the namedvaluepairs, but they take strings only. I am not using the Ksoap2, we decided to use the HttpClient / HttpPost method.
Here is my code:
The Web Service:
Is there someone troubled the same issue.
The code in run.
I have an image sitting on my SDcard (of type jpg) and I am trying to send the image via HttpPost to my servlet running on Apache Tomcat 7.0 So far I have google-ing the way to do this but I can't seem to find the perfect way. Do any of you might have some suggestion or solution to this problem?
View 1 Replies View Related I'm having trouble getting my code working on ICS. It worked perfectly on my old DroidX, but I just got the new Galaxy Nexus and my code just returns null every time, as if the app isn't connecting to my servers or it's using a GET request when it should be using POST. Below is my code,
//---------------- AUTHENTICATE LOGIN ---------------------------
public static String authenticateLogin (String usr, String password, String updateDataNames, String updateDataUsernames, String updateDataPhone, String updateDataRadius, String updateDataChecked, String updateGPS)
I am developing a final year location-based project(gps) in android.I have to create a server using php and mysql which contains name and location(in latitude and longitude) of important hospitals in Mumbai.The android client should be able to retrieve the the latitude and longitude of locations in mysql(external) database and then plot it on a google map.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing a final year location-based project(gps) in android.I have to create a server using php and mysql which contains name and location(in latitude and longitude) of important hospitals in Mumbai.The android client should be able to retrieve the the latitude and longitude of locations in mysql(external) database and then plot it on a google map.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have php page in my webserver, i want to get this page result in android. I have search a lot for mysql android connection someone says that it is possible through "new URL" in java. But i cannot catch this method. Actually i want to implement a login page for android. I have already created a login page in php. Now i want to just post username and password value to php page the php page will check the data with database and if user is a valid user i need to redirect otherwise i will show an error message.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have to develop a program that need to access a MySQL database to retrieve information stored there. I searched through the Web but I cannot find any definitive best approach to get it done: someone advices SOAP, someone else HTTPClient or XMLRPC.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new in android. I want to know to connect the mysql database. Please give your opinion and give also examples on how to use any of the solutions.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI m new in android application development.I want to create user login and registration application using PHP,MySQL,and Android.
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View 1 Replies View Relatedcan i do it? I just wanna make SELECT/INSERT into a remote database with my android phone application, i think it have to be easy but i can't find the way. I only find people that tell i have to make a webservice os romething like that, but that is another world for me, and i can't put a webservice in the database host.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to establish the link between eclipse tomcat MYSQL.And also which version of mysql to download.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to get the MySQL database connection in android emulator? I try to connect using java.sql.* package like this
I get the exception: java.sql.SQLException:no suitable drive
How can I use sql packages in android mobile?