Android :: Get A View With FindViewById()
Nov 8, 2010I try to customize a tab and I write this code:
I try to customize a tab and I write this code:
I have a main.xml as the main view and another alert_dialog_text_entry.xml for one dialog when a button is clicked in the main.xml view. In the click handler of the button, the findViewById () can't work, the returned vaule is null, the code is like this:
The alert_dialog_text_entry.xml:
This is going to be a bit lame question. I have the following code:
I have a TextView in my xml layout file. I'd like to get it and change my text when I click this button.
But I can't get it (the TextView) unless I make it as a value of a static member of this class and pass it to the constructor. I believe I am missing a big point here, so i'd be very thankful if you could explain how this is meant to be done ?
first of all: yes, I read all the other threads on this topic. And not only those from this site... (you see, i'm a little frustrated) Most of them come with the advice to use "android:id" instead of just "id" in the xml file. I did. From others, i learned, that View.findViewById works different than Activity.findViewById. I handled that, too.
in my location_layout.xml i use
<FrameLayout .... >
<some.package.MyCustomView ... />
<LinearLayout ... >
<TextView ...
android:id="@+id/txtLat" />.................
I am creating a layout through code and want to add a View to that layout. The view which is to be added is defined in the xml file. Is there any way to use an View from xml before calling setContentView method. Because we can not call findViewById before setContentView.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI develop an application. This don't use activity class. only use service class..
I need method(findviewbyid). but service don't have this method.
I create a dialog using this:
Then I try to get the 'yes' button using this: Button yesButton = (Button)d.findViewById(R.string.btn_yes);
But I get null for my 'yesButton'.
Any idea why findViewById does not work? And if not, how can I get a reference to yes button of the dialog?
what would be the outcome of using findViewById when multiple child views have the same ID lets say for example when using a layout to dynamically produce multiples of the same control?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have super.xml and a subset.xml.
I get a null pointer exception at price.setText(data.getStrTotalPrice()); Very strange, name.setText(data.getStrDescription()); does not give a null pointer exception.
If you got:
where "widget28" is the name of your button, how can you pass this into the findViewById as a String? or get it from R class as a string?
I want to get the Button instance by string and not by the hard code reference.
trying to find some performance numbers for findViewById - need to convince to change bunch of the findViewById for the same widget to member variable with just one findViewById on create . Or may be i'm wrong and it's fine ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem where in the started Intent, the findViewById returns null. Is there anything special I should know about starting a new intent? It goes something like this for me:
//in the MainList class
Intent stuffList = new Intent(this, StuffList.class);
then in the new Stuff's constructor:...............
I am creating an EditText object which i then try to reference in a unit test. what is the best way to add a new 'id' to for this dynamically created object so that i can later reference it via findViewById() in the unit test?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a class that is called when my app launches. public class MainActivity extends Activity implements NetworkEvent.
In this situation, list = (ListView) findViewById(; works perfectly.
However if I then call a new intent via:
where SimpleList is defined as: public class SimpleList extends ListActivity implements NetworkEvent then when I call
From within the SimpleList class, list is null :(
How come? Both classes are within the same package.
Eclipse is marking findViewById(int) as undefined; it was doing the same thing for getResources(), but I was able to get around that by calling context.getResources() instead (as seen below) and can't seem to find a similar workaround for findViewById.
Here is the code:
Is there another package I need to import for findViewById?
Would it be there noticeable speed improvement if I would create local references to needed view elements (e.g. EditText or Button) in my activity (in onCreate()) and use them for accessing needed elements or it does not much matter if I always use findViewById() when I need to access some particular element?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it somehow possible that instead of:
Button btnNextWord = (Button) this.findViewById(;
Eclipse automatically generates for me something like:
Button btnNextWord = this.btnNextWord;
Button btnNextWord =;?
This code works fine if I move the findViewById call in to the Activity. Any hints as to why it doesn't work from inside the LearningView class? I've tried moving the TextView inside the com.example.LearningView tag but no joy. I'd prefer to get the TextView from within the SurfaceView subclass as I feel it's more logical to treat the TV as a "child" of the SV.
This is a contrived example I wrote to figure out the problem in a larger application, but the gist of it is the same, and the stack trace is basically the same.
For what it is worth, the findViewById call is returning null, which obviously threw NullPointerExceptions in some attempts to fix this.
As you can probably gather from my attempts I'm flying blind on this one.
Stack trace:
Trying to have a ListView (scrollable list) of rows made of two TextViews. I have a list of items from a database that I want to populating into the LinearLayout->ListView->TextView but can't get to the id...
Layout somewhat like this instructional link, but have backed away from RelativeLayout and using LinearLayout to get it working. Not even worried about how it looks yet; just can't get it wired together yet.
Have two XML files (very abbreviated details below)
I have an ArrayAdapter where I inflate the stuffView. My thinking and understanding of other examples is it's not inflated (this nested stuffView) until I purposely inflate it. That all works fine but when I do the findViewById it returns null and thus I can't setText().
epic Fail due to complete ignorance/newbieness on my part. Note: I've pored through what I can of Reto's book, especially a simliar example on Page 163 but fail fail fail...
Can some kind soul point me in the right direction?
Must I inflate this nested view? (Reto's example does). If so, what am I missing? I'm hoping someone can point me to a better example.
My code's probably too involved at this point to post and a bit proprietary.
A pojo called Thingy (not copying here - very simple)
The main class:
So this code is in essence what I'm looking for help on; neutered the names to call it Thingy.... This sample isn't triggering the getView(). That's a secondary problem I have to sort out. More importantly, your help on the findViewById failure and if I've got the XML right would help a bunch.
I don't consider myself a beginner, but my copy and pasting has left me lost in auto-generated errors.
Here's my dilemma, if I remove the comments below the program crashes unexpectedly; with comments it displays just fine.
I am trying to get the value of a EditText in a dialog box. A the "*"'ed line in the following code, the safeNameEditText is null; i am assuming because the 'findVeiwById' is searching on the context of the 'AlertDialog.OnClickListener';
How can I get/change the context of that 'findViewById' call?
I'm following this tutorial here:
and am on point 11
Here's the res/layout/main.xml:
Here's the code:
I am trying to create small simple application on emulator. I want to create button and display with some click event. I am not able to use findViewById method with It always gives error as cannot be resolved.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an xml layout that will display a grid made up of textviews within tablerows. The textview names are cell00, cell01, etc. At runtime, my program will determine which cell needs to be changed.
Is there a way get format a name so that it can be passed to the findViewById method at runtime? For example, if cell00 is needed, how can I generate the parm in this code?
TextView currcell = (TextView) findViewById(
Something like "cell"+00 doesn't compile because the findViewById method doesn't accept a String type. I don't want have every textview name in the grid hardcoded in the program - there must be a better way.
The problem seems to be that the Service class does not inherit the > findViewById() method.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wrote CustomView Class, and load it in layout. so i trid to find CustomView using findViewById() in activiy to get handle. but findViewById() was return null.
Written Code is like below:
I am trying to set up a ViewFlipper that changes a SlidingDrawers content each time a button is pressed. So far every view I set up worked fine, but now I am trying to create a ListView (including single_choice_mode) within a child view of the ViewFlipper, but my attempt only let to a NullPointerException. As I only discovered ViewFlipper today, I am not yet familiar with it and may not have understood it completely. if someone could give me a hand and help me find out what I have done wrong, that would be great. Here is what I have done:
The code for the onClick event of the ImageButtons:
public void onClick(View v){
if (v == btnExposure){
mFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); }
else if (v == btnProperties){
else if (v == btnSpecialEffects){
why CheckBox is always null.
<CheckBox id="@+id/checkbox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
code file-
package com.reblogr.reblogrclient;
public class Test extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */
public CheckBox checkbox;
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ....................
I want to build my own custom view which should look like the Crysis-GUI.At first I designed a XML-based Layout and made it visible via the setContentView(int resid)-Method. Worked pretty well.But now I wan't to go a step further and draw in my Layout. So I created a new Class, let it extend View and overrode the onDraw()-Method. So far so good.But how can I still use my XML-Layout? I can't do setContentView anymore, so how could the same effect be achieved?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my DDMS in eclipse. In the logcat view appears only this failure: Logcat View fails with "Could not create the view: For input string: "our" "
I uninstalled and reinstalled the adt and ddms already without any change. I can use the logcat in the command line (tools- adt logcat) but this is not as comfortable as using the logcat in eclipse.
More details of this failure message are: