Android :: Display Latitude On Button Click
Sep 28, 2010How can I display latitude on button click.

How can I display latitude on button click.
I have just started my career as an android programmer, and am currently relying heavily on the sample code and api examples. I have been working with this api example, to produce an expandable list of items (note this example does not use the ExpadableListView).In playing with the example, I tried to add another widget that would become visible and be gone at the same time as the text (mDialogue in the sample code). This works well with another TextView, but as soon as I tried to add a button widget, it stopped working. The list would expand on first click, showing my hidden TextView and Button, but it will not disappear on further clicks. The button is however, clickable, and I was able to set up an onClick listener to change the button text back and forth.I'm starting to wonder, is it just not possible to have a clickable item inside a clickable list item? Or is there some kind of work around? Would it solve my problem if I used ExpandableListView?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I DL'd the GDE app, I accidentally set my stock droid "HOME" screen as the default screen when the popup box came up asking me to choose between stock Home and GDE. Now when I click on GDE and click the home button, it switches back to the stock Home screen. How to I switch the settings now to set the GDE app as the new home screen?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI like being able to wake the phone to view the lock screen using the home button at the bottom of the phone, but is there any way to make it so that a second click of that button, or a click of one of the others down there, will make it sleep again? Having to press the power button up top is just an inconvenience.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm learning about the android. Now, I want to display a button that can turn off the screen. That is when the user click the button the screen off as the user click the power button. How can I do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen i click the app in emulator the password prompt will appear and enter password,if password is correct the app will opened and launched. my question is how do i click the app? how prompt will display?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my android application, i am displaying images of different categories.When i click on these images i would like to get a small list of the items in that particular category.What should i use for that.I am not sure which control will satisfy this and how can i use it.Could any one please suggest me with a solution?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to add a webview in my app to display a web page. However, every time I click link on the web page, Browser will be launched to display content in that link. I understand it is something about intent but I am still wondering is there any simpler method to ask webview to display link content within its View ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm displaying contact details on a screen. I need to display phone call window to appear when user clicks on phone number in the contact details.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am just getting started with the Android SDK and I had a quick question. I am trying to set up a ListView with a rectangle of color on the left and then a bit of text for each row. I also want to make it so I can click each entry in the list and open a new activity to display some information (similar to the contact list).
View 3 Replies View RelatedCODE:............
I have this at the top of my application. When the application starts, the EditText is orange highlighted and has a cursor in it; when the EditText is tapped, the soft keyboard pops up. The user uses it to type into the EditText.
However, when they click the Button, my onClick method fires and does everything it's supposed to, however the soft keyboard stays on screen and the EditText is still highlighted with its cursor.
I also have, at the top of the Button onclick: findViewById(;
In spite of this, the EditText does not seem to clear its focus. How do I make the button actually act as if it is submitting the form?
Also, I do not transition to a different Activity on the click of the Button. I suppose that is the typical case, and probably the reason why they don't bother hiding the keyboard. However I want to keep the search box and button at the top of the screen, so I just dynamically fill and add views to the screen when the Button is pressed. How can I achieve my desired behavior?
I want, that when the user clicks on a button, a textfield with a number will increase or decrease. But this should be work in a way, that the user leaves the finger on the button and the number increases automatically. Therefore he doesn´t have to click lot of times.I have not found any method to override that could implement such behaviour! Does anybody know how to implement this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to follow a tutorial to learn how to get to a new screen on a button click. The issue I feel I am facing is that in this tutorial they have a file named, firstly I don't have such a file. I think I named the file as and on this screen i have everything going on including this button I am trying to make. So I m really confused as in this article below they have the file and from that file they are moving to screen 1 and screen 2. Is it so important to have a from where we branch the two activities?
View 6 Replies View Relatedin my android application there are number of images in drawable folder. in my layout two buttons:back and forward button.on clicking next and back buttons different-2 image get loaded on the same layout(common for all images).i am able to load images in next/back button click but after reaching to the last image i want to make my next button click disable and same for the back button.As the user is on the first image the back button would be disable.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a ListView that contains a row which in turn contain text and a button. The idea is to have the button function as a delete button to remove the row from the list as well as the database. I order to do this I created an adapter to handle the button click. This code is below. Deleting the database record works fine, but I have not yet succeeded in refreshing the ListView so the record will no longer be displayed.
public class FeedArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {
private ARssEReaderDBAdapter dba;
private String TAG = "FeedArrayAdapter";
private View v;
private ListView feedList;..............
Each row of my view look like that:.............
When I click on the ImageButton "arrow", I trigger a method than need the id of the row to perform. By ID I mean the value of the field "_id" of the corresponding record in database. I did not find a direct way to do it, but I think I can if I get the index of the row in the ListView. Again, I don't know how to get this index from a click to a childview.
I am not sure why my on button click is not working for the calender icon I have, does any one knows what I may be doing wrong?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android development and I am currently working through a tutorial but have already run into a brick wall. I am trying to handle a simple button click following some sample code but can't get it to work. I do not get any errors, but the click does not register on the emulator. I have set breakpoints and confirmed that the handler never gets executed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying automate UI Functional testing of my application.
1) First phase: Record the user actions and playing back the same.
2) Second Phase: Adding Validation Capability to Recorded scripts.
In First Phase: I'm able to automate the Text/Editbox control actions without any issues, because we need to Set the Text of the control to the recorded value, so, its simple. While coming to Button Control actions, we need to simulate user actons, like Clicking on button. Can anyone suggest me, Do we have any mechanism, which can simulate button click event in Android?
How do we invoke another application installed in the device?How to invoke the browser on a url link click?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to add a full layout on click of button,
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an activity which starts with a progress bar and I do not want the progress bar to go away until the processing is done, I have set the dialog to be setCancelable(false) so now user cannot cancel it with back but there are several other situations which hides the dialog for eg pressing 'search'.On clicking of 'search' button the search box and keyboard pops up,back button hides it and shows my activity which is always in the background but the dialog is gone.I can disable the search button but ideally I would want dialog to come back when the activity comes in foreground again. Any ideas how to do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to call a thread on a button click (btn_more) but i cant get it right. The thread is to get some data and update the images. The problem i have is if i only update 4 or 5 images then it works fine. But if i load more than 5 images i will get a force close. At times when the internet is slow I will face the same problem too. Can please help me to solve this problem or provide me some guidance?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to show the details of a list item in another activity when clicks on a button.Can you help me?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWondering if I'm going about this the right way or not. I have 3 buttons on my screen (Restart, Previous, Next). When the view loads it shows the first image which is fine. When I click the "Next" button I want it to load a second image and so on for up to 9 images. If I click the "Previous" button it should go back one image. Clicking "Restart" should go to the first image. I have the Restart one working. I'm having trouble with the Next button because it only shows the second image (I think because my "a" variable is initialized at 0).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been reading a lot of comments on how it is more lightweight to use views instead of intents in setContent when using tabs.
Since I will be creating an app with tabs, I am trying to implement this instead of having intents inside setContent. However, I am having a difficult time looking for examples or straightforward tutorials on swapping the current view with another one.
Say I have TAB_A, with some entry fields and a button. When the user clicks on the button, a TextView will display "Hello, user!" in the same TAB_A. Of course this is an oversimplified example, but it will surely point me in the right direction.
EDIT: I have a tab called TAB_A with a button in it. If the user clicks on that button, TAB_A will now display "Hello, user!" instead of the button.
Here is a sample of my TabSpec.
Where ShowButton and ShowHello are classes both extending LinearLayout. Both are initialized in onCreate like this:
When the app first starts, the user sees the view showButton. When the user clicks on the button, I want the tab to change its contents to showHello.
The question then is: Is there any way to update the contents of the tabspec without using startActivity?
I have an application, when it launches I have to disable all the buttons, I successeded in disabling end call and other i need to disable home buttom if I click it, It should not produce any action.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to go to a web page on the click of a button in my android app. So say, I have a button called "Google", when the user clicks on that button I want to open up on the screen. How is this achieved?
Also, is there a way I can gain control back to my app once the user is finished with google?
In android application , how to start a new activity (GUI) when click on a button on another activity , and how to pass data between these two activities?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would need to wake up my camera when i click a button on my App. After that it takes a picture and save it to the sdcard and display the path of that image as Toast? How can this be done?
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