Android :: Access Whatever Child Item Is Displayed In Droid Spinner?
Aug 17, 2010As the title says, what is the method to access which item is displayed in an Android spinner, so I can have multiple spinners, then wait on a button click?

As the title says, what is the method to access which item is displayed in an Android spinner, so I can have multiple spinners, then wait on a button click?
I need to get an item's position in spinner knowing it's ID. I've tried to do it with Spinner and SpinnerAdapter classes but there are no corresponding methods there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to get a selected item from a spinner in android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm try to change text color and align item in spinner to center of it how can I do this
here is my code
String[] li={"1","2","3"};
final Spinner combo = (Spinner)findViewById(;
ArrayAdapter<String> a = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, li);
I have a list view which contains different numbers and i have a button below with the name "Call". The expected spec is to change the button background to blue, only if user clicks on list item, and if user clicks on some other views, i need to change the button background to white.
My work around for this issue:
I have set onfocusChangeListener() for the list live, but onFocusChanged() is getting called if next view gets the focus.
Expected result:
1) Background of the button should change to blue if user clicks on list child item.
2) Background of the button should change to white if user clicks on other views.
I have list of items ion my activity which I load dynamically, item after item. Initially I load "lightweight" version and when processing is done I want to update the item with new information. Like set some text or replace an image. That means I need to update what ListView item is displaying after Adapter#getView already returns. Of course I don't know if user is actively scrolling and this item is still visible or has been scrolled out ot view. The only thing I can think of is to extend View so it performs some operations on it's own thread and updates itself when done,but will it work?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I disable (gray out, make unselectable) an item in a Spinner? I tried calling View.disable() on the associated child of the Spinner, but it remains black text (not gray) and selectable.
There must be some way of showing but leaving unselectable certain items in a spinner, right? This is a standard "menu" behavior that goes back decades. Android permits it, right? I want the user to see that certain options are possible under certain circumstances even if they are impossible at the immediate moment...exactly the way items in the main Android menu-button invoked menu can be visible but unselectable.
Is it possible to display particular entries in a Spinner list as disabled?
i.e. I want to always display a spinner with 4 entries (North, South, East and West, say), but I want to be able to disable any one of these so that is appears greyed out and not selectable.
Is this possible, or will I have to recreate the list each time, leaving out the invalid entries?
I am a newbie coder and new to the SDK. I was just playing around with an app that i made. I wanted to know as to how to retrieve the item id of the selected item from the spinner when the spinner is re- populated.
For example, I created 2 spinners, if you selected item 0 from spinner1 then spinner2 will have a bunch of items and if you selected item 1 from spinner1 then spinner2 will have a different set of items. Now, my question is that when i select item 1 from spinner 1 then the items in spinner2 dont have different ids. So how do i differentiate from the two sets of data?
To illustrate,
User selected item 0 in spinner1 -> spinner2 gets data from array1 -> item 0 in spinner2 has id '0' and item text is "apple"
User selected item 1 in spinner1 -> spinner2 gets data from array2 -> item 0 in spinner2 has id '0' and item text is "oranges"
I know this sounds confusing but i hope the right people understood it..
I had a EditText , a button and a spinner . When click the button , the spinner will add a new item with name you entered in the EditText. But here is the question, my adapter.add() method seems doesn't is my code...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using ExpandableListView in my app and one of the complains is that when expanded it's hard to visually distinguish where the child item ends and next group item begins. So I would like to change background of the child list item to the different shade. Brutal attempts that I've made so far were based on directly changing background color and text of the elements inside the child view item but that leads to loss of hovers and highlights. So my question is - what is a good strategy to achieve the above? I tried styles and selectors but what really bums me out - that if I change one thing then I need to add selectors for all combinations of focus/enabled etc. when all I'm trying to do it to overwrite a single thing. Is there a way to inherit parent style and set just a background for non- focused, enabled child item?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created two Spinners to display the data in my application. In my first Spinner, the first item of the list is always displayed directly, but in the second Spinner nothing is displayed, even if I click on an item on the drop down view. Can anybody explain this behaviour?
Here is the code...
I have a update view, where I need to preselect the value stored in database for a Spinner.
I was having in mind something like this, but the Adapter has no indexOf method, so I am stuck .
void setSpinner(String value)
int pos=getSpinnerField().getAdapter().indexOf(value);
I am trying to get the selected item of my spinner that is populated and I am already seeing the values. when I try to use (String) s.getSelectedItem(); to get the selected item, I am receiving a handler exception on Logcat.
The spinner throwing the error is a 2nd spinner resulting from the 1st spinner's selected item (that works perfectly). In other words, user selects from spinner one and upon selection, populates spinner 2 (until here everything is fine). When trying to get the value of the selected row in spinner2 , I am receiving the error.
here's the main parts of my code...
How can I use code to set a default item in a spinner drop down list
View 4 Replies View RelatedIts me again. I tried the last hours, how to change content of a spinner. ok, lets start from the beginning.
I have three spinners. They all have initial values. The first spinner is the main spinner and the other two spinners depend on the vale chosen in the first one. So i want to update the last two spinners after making a selection in spinner one. *edit: All spinners are on the same activity.
How can i achieve this? My problem is that i can only make changes in the spinners onitemselectadapter but thats a whole new class. I cannot reach the activity where my other spinners are.
I have a spinner with items, populated via ArrayAdapter. I want to change font style for some (not for all) of spinner items, both for spinner's combobox and listbox. I guess that I need to subclass something, but I don't understand what. How can I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNewbie question. I'm using a SimleCursorAdapter to populate a spinner from an SQLite table, as shown in the Android dev docs. Code...
I've set up a listener, but I can't figure out how to get the selected item text, it pulls up the SQLiteCursor, not the actual text in the spinner.Code...
Google turns up the question on several message boards, but no answers, so it appears to be a common newbie question. It may be painfully obvious to some.
I have a spinner, which mostly works. If a user selects one of the items in it, the 'onItemSelected' routine catches it just fine.
But if a user clicks the same spinner, but does not change from the already visible item that it's currently displaying, the 'onItemSelected' routine just ignores it, and the logs show:-
WARN/InputManagerService(577): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@437948b0
I there anyway to capture someone doing this? The idea is that my spinner contains a list of names, and when a user selects one from the spinner, it gets added to a listview.
I could just add another button to get the name from the spinner, but, screen-space is already lacking and I'd rather not add anymore content.
we are wroking on the displaying of mails from an email . we got the list of emails stored . we need to show a small text screen which consists of the some content of the body when the email in the list gets focus .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to auto select an image in gallery and focus the selected image. I know the position (index) of the image in gallery. I am trying to use in res/layout/main.xml
android:layout_weight="1" />
gallery = (Gallery) mView.findViewById(;
ImageView view = gallery.getItemAtPosition(position);
Unfortunately the above code is returning null. Can you please help in this matter.
Today I am looking for a way to mimic the behavior I know from my HTC Hero's lock screen: the calendar and alarm clock can put text & drawables there to inform about an upcoming event or an expired alarm. The lock screen remains there in that it must be dragged down to dismiss the shown event and there might also be a Snooze button.
But, first question: is this default Android stuff or HTC Sense specific only??
Second question: If it is a common Android thing, why can't I find anything in Google's Android documentation for the topics "lockscreen" or "lock screen" that comes close to my question? Where's the API for it?
My problem is: I want to inform the user immediately - even if I try a standard notification, the user with a locked screen will have to unlock it and drag down the notifications list to see & clear what's going on. sigh Putting an endlessly playing notification sound there is a hassle as it takes at least two swipes down to stop the sound playing!
I am using ListView with checkbox as items and want to access the checkbox status. Would anybody help me on this topic.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having problems figuring out how to access text settings for an item in a ListView. I setup a basic ListView in my layout: xml:<ListViewandroid:id="@android:id/list"android:textColor="#ff000000"
android:layout_y="161px"android:visibility="visible"></ListView>My ListAdapter is a SimpleAdapter with a hashmap of values displayed in my ListView.
I have an onListItemClick method in my ListActivity which captures and properly identifies the item selected in my ListView. What I am trying to do is change the text color or font of the item that is selected in the method, onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id). Is there a way to access and change the text font and color using the ListView or View object from this method? I traversed the methods of each class and can't seem to find one that allows for that functionality.
I use this code to generate a spinner in my app:
On my device (Motorola Milestone) and in the emulator this looks like the standard gray spinner widget.
On of my colleagues uses a Motorola Backflip and on his device the Spinner is black. Now its very hard to read the font in the spinner.
What do I have to do to use my own view for the spinner? I don't mind to have the gray spinner on all devices, but it should always look the same on all devices.
I have an xml layout file which contains a few widgets including a Spinner
I want to display a list of strings in the spinner, the list is generated at runtime as a result of a function so it can not be in arrays.xml.
I tried doing:
But this crashes my application.
I have a spinner 'aperture' set up with a list of numbers, and a spinner 'mode' with two options. When a button is pushed I need a calculation to run using various inputs, including the current selection from 'aperture' and a value derived from 'mode'. How do I call the value of a spinner so I can use it in a calculation?
Also, how do I use the spinner 'mode's selection to set this other value before implimenting it in the calculation? To be more specific, if the spinner is set to Small then the value I use in the calculation is 0.015, whereas if Large is selected I need to use 0.028
My other inputs are EditText views, so right now I am set up like this:
That is not the actual equation, it is just a test to make sure everything connects properly. How would I call the value of spinner 'aperture' and the Small/Large spinner 'mode'
I have a simple ListView and on that ListView I have placed a number of custom defined Views. The CustomView has ImageView and two TextViews.
The CustomView also has a "stateful drawable" as background, so that the background image (a 9-patch) changes if you press the Row in the ListView. When pressing the Row, the background image changes to a Red-ish thing.
The problem is that when the background changes from the default greyish, all the Views in the CustomView (ImageView and TextViews) still have their greyish background and thus creates very ugly greay boxes on top of the now redish background.
What is the best way to solve that problem? I hoped that such things were handled automatically (as it is done in for example .NET), but I was wrong it seems.
I have a spinner widget in my activity which lets users pick a list name.
Normally, the function of the spinner is to switch between lists but for a couple of instances, I swap out the selection change listener to perform a different function with the same list of options. Once the selection has been made, the old listener is restored and life goes on.
This is a bad and buggy arrangement. Instead, I would like to have a function that just takes a selection listener and some other parameters and shows a popup list that's populated by the same cursor (or and identical cursor) as the spinner, without using the spinner itself.
Is there any way I can do this?
I am trying to populate a spinner depending on another spinner's selected item, my code is the following:
what is intriguing me is that the first spinner onitemselection works perfectly ( I can see the values in LogCat) then when I change selection of the 2nd spinner I am gettging an error on this line: String selected= (String) s2.getSelectedItem(); So the compiler gets insisde then onItemSelected function of the 2nd spinner but throws an Handler exceltion on s2.getSelectedItem()
why? it works perfectly for the 1st spinner.